イオン化放射線、紫外線を含む多くの環境シグナルはEgr-1遺伝子の活性化を誘発し、それによって細胞増殖とアポトーシスに影響を及ぼす。神経細胞の電磁界(EMF)ばく露の影響に関する知識は不十分で議論の余地があることから、SH-SY5Y神経芽腫細胞における無線周波(RF)放射線の生物的影響を調査することになった。Egr-1遺伝子発現におけるワイヤーパッチセル(WPC)アンテナばく露システムによる900MHzの変調無線周波界の影響は、時間関数として研究された。短期間のばく露は、MAPK(分裂促進因子活性化タンパク質キナーゼ)亜類型EPK1/2とSAPK/JNKの活性化と並行して、Egr-1 mRNAレベルでの一時的増加を誘発した。細胞増殖速度とアポトーシスにおける無線周波放射線の影響も研究された。無線周波放射線へのばく露は、24時間で観察された重要な影響では、SH-SY5Y細胞での増殖抑制作用を示した。無線周波放射線は顕著なG2-M阻害に達して、細胞周期の進行を弱めた。さらに、Bcl-2と残存遺伝子のmRNAレベルでの大きな減少を伴い、またG2-M阻止およびアポトーシスとの信号伝達は妨害されて、アポトーシスの特徴であるsub-G1ピークの出現が24時間ばく露後に顕著になった。我々の結果は、900MHz-変調無線周波放射線へのばく露は、Bcl-2や残存遺伝子のようなアポトーシス阻害物に関連するEgr-1遺伝子発現および細胞調節機能に影響を与える証拠を提示し、インビトロ細胞のバイアビリティを制御する広範囲なメカニズムへの影響可能性の重要な洞察を提示した。
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This study was conducted to determine the effects of a 900 MHz-modulated radio frequency field on viability in human neuroblastoma cells in vitro.
The cell viability was assessed by cell proliferation, cell cycle progression, expression studies of genes involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis (egr-1, p53, apoptosis inhibitor: bcl-2, survivin) up to chrarcterization of molecular processes via enzyme activity. The investigated transcription factor egr-1 is a gene essential for cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and apoptosis. Increased egr-1 expression and the induced Egr-1 protein is a strong transcriptional activator of key genes involved in cell death pathway.
Lovisolo GA, Asta D, Ciammetti L, Mancini S, Marino C, Pinto R, D'Inzeo G. 2000. In vitro exposure system operating at 900 and 1800 MHz. In: Kostarakis P, Stavroulakis P, editors. Proceeding of Millennium International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic field. Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 17-20 October, pp 169-175.
周波数 | 900 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 5, 15, 30 min, 6 or 24 h |
Modulation type | pulsed |
Duty cycle | 12.5 % |
Additional information |
GSM modulated |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
チャンバの詳細 | The RF exposure system was based on a wire patch cell (WPC) antenna [Laval et al., 2000] and assembled as described in [Lovisolo et al., 2000]. Two WPCs were located in the same incubator for blinded RF and sham exposure. The absence of any interference between the two WPCs was experimentally confirmed. |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Additional information | Sixteen hours prior to RF exposure, cells in logarithmic growth were aliquoted from a single parental flask into individual 35-mm Petri dishes. The temperature of the dishes was maintained at 37 ± 1 °C by an appropriate cooling system [Ardoino et al., 2004]. The exposure system was turned on at least 30 min before the experiment, and the temperature in the incubator was monitored with a thermocouple probe (sensitivity ± 0.1 °C) during the exposure. |
The exposure to radiofrequency field for 24 hours exerted a significant reduction in cell viability and cell proliferation. Within exposure the egr-1- gene expression increased in 5 minutes, reaching maximum after 15 minutes, and decline to baseline levels after 6 hours. The enzyme activities of the MAPK subtypes showed similar pattern.
Cells exposed for 24 hours exhibited cell cycle progress typical for apoptosis accompanied by significant decreased gene expression of the investigated apoptosis inhibitor bcl-2 and survivin.