この研究は、マウスのいくつかの免疫パラメーターに対する低周波(50 Hz)高強度(20 mT = 200 G)電磁界(EMF)への反復ばく露の影響を調べた。動物は、1日1回30分間のばく露を、週に3回、2週間受けた。また、非特異的免疫刺激効果を持つ2つの抗ラジカル物質、L-カルニチン(200 mg / kg;腹腔内投与)およびQ10(200 mg / kg;経口投与)の免疫調節効果の可能性についても調べた。二つの薬剤はそれぞれ、各EMFばく露の1時間前に投与された。免疫のエンドポイントは、総体重、脾臓/体重比、脾細胞生存率、全白血球数および分画(リンパ球、単球、好中球)、マイトジェン(フィトヘマグルチニン(PHA)、コンカナバリンA(Con-A)、リポプロサッカライド(LPS))によって誘発されるリンパ球増殖である。その結果、磁界ばく露は、脾細胞の生存率、全白血球数、マイトジェン誘発性リンパ球増殖を減少させた;検査した免疫パラメーターの大部分へのEMFの悪影響を、L-カルニチンは改善する可能性が見られたが、Q-10では見られなかった、と報告している。
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The effects of exposure of mice to a 50 Hz magnetic field and of a co-exposure with two immunostimulating substances on some immune parameters should be investigated.
Mice were divided into the following groups (n=6 each): 1) sodium chloride solution administration and exposure to the magnetic field, 2) coenzyme Q10 administration (200 mg/kg oral) and exposure and 3) L-carnitine administration (200 mg/kg intraperitoneal) and exposure. For each exposure group, a respective control group with the same administrations but without exposure was used. Administrations were conducted every second day 1 hour before the start of exposure.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
50 Hz
continuous for 30 min/day, 3 days/week (every other day) for 2 weeks
周波数 | 50 Hz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 30 min/day, 3 days/week (every other day) for 2 weeks |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
ばく露装置の詳細 | three rectangular coils (each 22 cm x 12 cm with 760 turns of 1 mm copper wire) connected in parallel and wrapped around a wooden frame; up to 12 mice were placed inside the coil system, which was closed at both ends with plexiglass windows |
測定量 | 値 | Method | 備考 |
磁束密度 | 20 mT | 測定値 | vertical field |
Injections with salt solutions and exposure to the magnetic field (group 1) resulted in a significantly decreased spleen cell viability, proliferation of T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes, total count of white blood cells and body weight and a significantly increased amount of monocytes compared to the respective control group.
When injected with L-carnitine and exposed to the magnetic field (group 3), almost all these effects vanished and no significant differences were observed compared to the salt injected control group anymore. This protective effect was not detected in mice injected with coenzyme Q10 and exposure to the magnetic field (group 2).
The authors conclude that exposure of mice to a 50 Hz magnetic field might have adverse effects on the immune system and that co-exposure with L-carnitine, but not with coenzyme Q10, could mitigate these effects.