研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[900MHz電磁界に出生前ばく露した海馬細胞におけるメラトニンおよびオメガ3の神経保護作用] med./bio.

Neuroprotective effects of melatonin and omega-3 on hippocampal cells prenatally exposed to 900 MHz electromagnetic fields

掲載誌: Int J Radiat Biol 2016; 92 (10): 590-595

この研究は、母ラット妊娠期間中、900MHz電磁界EMFばく露の有無およびメラトニン(MEL)およびオメガ3(ω-3)投与の有無を組合せた条件による実験を実施し、仔ラット海馬錐体細胞数を比較した。実験群は、対照、擬似ばく露、EMFのみ、EMF + MEL、MELのみ、EMF + ω-3、ω-3のみの7群とし(各群n=3)、EMFEMF + MEL、EMF + ω-3は、ばく露用チューブ内で900MHz EMFへの1日60分間のばく露を全妊娠期間、継続した(JEIC注:ばく露レベルは抄録に記述無し)。それぞれの群から自然出産した雄の仔ラットを選び、各条件に対応させて新たな仔ラット群(n=6)を作成し、各群について海馬アンモン角(CA)領域の錐体細胞数を検査した。その結果、EMF群では、対照、擬似ばく露EMF + MEL、EMF + ω-3に比べ、CA領域の錐体細胞の総数が有意に少なかった;EMF、MEL、ω-3の3群の間に有意差はなかった、と報告している。

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The neurotoxic effects of prenatal exposure of rats to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field on hippocampal cells and the protective effects of melatonin and omega-3 should be investigated.


Pregnant rats were divided into the following groups (n=3 each): 1) exposure to the electromagnetic field, 2) exposure to the electromagnetic field and melatonin injections (50 mg/kg/day), 3) exposure to the electromagnetic field and feeding with omega-3 pellets (10% of food), 4) only melatonin treatment, 5) only omega-3 treatment, 6) sham exposure group, 7) cage control group. After birth, 2 male rats from each mother (total of n=6 per group) were further raised for 28 days without exposure and then investigated.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 900 MHz
Modulation type: CW
ばく露時間: 1 hour/day from the 1st to the 21st day of gestation


周波数 900 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 1 hour/day from the 1st to the 21st day of gestation
Modulation type CW
  • モノポール
Distance between exposed object and exposure source 1 cm
チャンバの詳細 restrainer tubes made of 5 mm thick plexi glass; restrainers consisted of a cylinder (6.5 cm diameter, 12 cm length) and a truncated cone (3 cm length) in which the rat's head was inserted
ばく露装置の詳細 6 animals were exposed simultaneously (remark EMF-Portal: but there were only 3 animals per group); during exposure, rats were kept in restrainers and heads were placed in the direction of the antenna for local exposure; the antenna was fixed within a 1 cm distance around the rats' heads; holes were made in the restrainer to allow breathing and to minimize body temperature elevation
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
Additional information (remark EMF-Portal: groups only treated with melatonin (group 4) or omega-3 (group 5) were probably not sham exposed, i.e., not restrained)
測定量 種別 Method 備考
電力密度 1 mW/cm² mean 測定値 ± 0.4 mW/cm2
SAR 2 W/kg peak - -

Reference articles


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


The total number of neurons in the hippocampus was significantly lower in the exposure group (group 1) compared to all other groups, except for group 5 (omega-3 treatment).
The authors conclude that prenatal exposure of rats to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field might have neurotoxic effects in hippocampal cells and that melatonin and omega-3 might have a protective effect in a co-exposure setting.
(remark EMF-Portal: as only the heads of mothers were exposed to the electromagnetic field and no dosimetry was given for the fetuses, the actual prenatal exposure of the offspring is not comprehensible)



