この研究は、ラットにカドミウム(Cd)、電磁界(EMF:へルムホルツコイルによる50Hz、10mTの磁界)およびその両方を組み合わせたばく露を与え、タンパク質の分子構造に酸化的損傷が起きるか否か、また、単独のばく露と組合せばく露で影響に違いがあるか、あるとすればどの程度かを調べた。32匹のWisterアルビノ雄ラットを4群に分けた。第1群:対照、第2群:Cd投与群(3.0 mg/kg)、第3群:EMFばく露群(1日1時間)、第4群:Cd+EMF群での実験は30日間連続で行った。ばく露終了後、血漿の蛋白質カルボニル量(PCO)、全酸化状態(TOS)、導電率およびSDSゲル電気泳動を測定した。その結果、Cd群および/またはEMF群では、酸化的蛋白質損傷(PCO.TOSの上昇)、蛋白質分子表面の電荷の増加(導電率上昇)、蛋白質の分子構造の変化が起きた;Cd+EMF群では、どちらか単独よりも影響が大きくなった、と報告している。
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To investigate the effects of cadmium administration and/or extremely low frequency magnetic fields on potential oxidative damage in proteins in the blood of rats.
Cadmium is a heavy metal and carcinogenic to humans (class I carcinogen as classified by IARC).
Rats were divided into four groups (n=8, respectively): 1.) control group (saline administration), 2.) cadmium administration (3 mg CdCl2 per kg body weight), 3.) magnetic field exposure and 4.) cadmium administration + magnetic field exposure.
周波数 | 50 Hz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | for 30 consecutive days (remark EMF-Portal: not stated how many hours per day) |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
ばく露装置の詳細 | an electromagnet with two coils was used; temperature was 23 ± 2°C |
Cadmium administration (group 2) or magnetic field exposure (group 3) caused a significant increase in the total oxidant status, the content of carbonyl groups and the electrical conductivity in comparison to the control group, while a combined treatment with cadmium and magnetic field (group 4) led to a further significant increase of these parameters compared to all other groups. Additionally, the SDS-PAGE profile was changed in all treatment groups (group 2, 3, and 4) when compared to the control group.
The authors conclude that combined treatment with cadmium and magnetic field exposure could increase the risk of plasma damage in rats via oxidative stress.