研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[携帯電話基地局に割り当てられた2.1425 GHzバンドのCWとW-CDMA変調無線周波電界に曝されても、ヒト細胞においてDNA鎖の破壊を生じない] med./bio.

DNA strand breaks are not induced in human cells exposed to 2.1425 GHz band CW and W-CDMA modulated radiofrequency fields allocated to mobile radio base stations

掲載誌: Bioelectromagnetics 2006; 27 (1): 51-57

この研究は、携帯電話のIMT-2000システムの基地局からの発生する低レベル無線周波RF電磁界細胞にDNA損傷作用を引き起こす可能性があるか否かを調べたインビトロ研究である。SARレベルは80 mW / kg(ICNIRPガイドラインで公衆ばく露基本制限と定義されている全身平均SAR値に対応する値)を中心に変化させた。ばく露には、2.1425 GHzの連続波(CW)および広帯域符号分割多元接続W-CDMA変調RF信号を用いた。ばく露実験に用いた細胞は、ヒト神経膠芽腫A172細胞およびヒト胎児肺由来の正常なヒトIMR-90線維芽細胞である。A172細胞には、SAR値80、250、800 mW / kgのW-CDMAおよび80 mW / kgのCWへの2時間あるいは24時間ばく露を与えた。IMR-90細胞には80 mW / kgのW-CDMAおよびCWを同じばく露時間で与えた。ばく露直後に、培養細胞でのDNA鎖切断出現をアルカリコメットアッセイで評価した。その結果、同じばく露条件の場合、W-CDMAまたはCWのどちらにおいても、ばく露群と擬似ばく露群の間にDNA鎖切断の有意差は観察されなかった;この研究で、SARが800 mW / kgまでは低レベルのばく露遺伝毒性作用を持たないことが確認された、と報告している。

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To conduct a large-scale in vitro study focused on the effects of low level radiofrequency fields from mobile radio base stations employing the International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000) cellular system in order to test the hypothesis that modulated radiofrequency fields may act as a DNA damaging agent.


First, the responses of human cells to microwave exposure at a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 80 mW/kg, which corresponds to the limit of the average whole body SAR for general public exposure defined as a basic restriction in the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines were evaluated.
Second, it was investigated whether continuous wave and Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA) modulated signal radiofrequency fields at 2.1425 GHz induced different levels of DNA damage.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 2.1425 GHz
Modulation type: pulsed
ばく露時間: continuous for 2 or 24 hours
  • SAR: 80 mW/kg mean
  • SAR: 250 mW/kg mean
  • SAR: 800 mW/kg mean
ばく露2: 2.1425 GHz
Modulation type: CW
ばく露時間: continuous for 2 or 24 hours
  • SAR: 80 mW/kg mean


周波数 2.1425 GHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 2 or 24 hours
Modulation type cf. additional information, pulsed
Additional information

W-CDMA (IMT-2000) cellular system. The chip rate of the spread code of this system is 3.84 Mcps.

チャンバの詳細 A beam-formed RF exposure incubator employing a horn antenna, a dielectric lens, and a culture case in an anechoic chamber was developed. For details, see the reference article. Briefly, two identical RF field exposure incubators, one for RF field exposure and the other for sham exposure, were established in separate anechoic chambers, and a mechanical switch in a dummy box allows the selection of RF field exposure or sham exposure.
ばく露装置の詳細 This system allows simultaneous exposure of 49 (7 x 7 array) 35 mm culture dishes with a uniform SAR distribution in the medium of all 49 culture dishes. Five dishes in the inner dish positions were used in this study. They were subjected to RF field or sham exposure for 2 or 24 h, respectively.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 80 mW/kg mean - - -
SAR 250 mW/kg mean - - -
SAR 800 mW/kg mean - - -


周波数 2.1425 GHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 2 or 24 hours
Modulation type CW
  • E1と同じ装置
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 80 mW/kg mean - - -

Reference articles


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


Under the same radiofrequency field exposure conditions, no significant differences in the DNA strand breaks were found between the test groups exposed to W-CDMA or continuous wave irradiation and the sham exposed negative controls. The data confirm that low level exposures do not act as a genotoxicant up to a SAR of 800 mW/kg.


