この研究は、マイクロ波による遺伝毒性への影響の可能性を評価するために、9人の異なる健康なドナーから採血したそれぞれの末梢血リンパ球に異なる電力密度とばく露時間でのばく露を与え、遺伝毒性の誘発をインビトロ小核(MN)アッセイで評価した。また、この応答に個人間変動があるか否かも調べた。全血サンプルを、周波数1800 MHz、電力密度5、10、20 mW/ cm2の連続マイクロ波放射に60、120、180分間ばく露した。その3か月後、同じ実験を反復して行い、再現性を検証した。多変量解析の結果、リンパ球増殖指数は、ドナー間(p < 0.004)および実験間(p < 0.01)で有意に異なったが、ばく露した電力密度およびばく露時間はそれらに影響を与えなかった;自然発生のMN頻度およびマイクロ波ばく露誘発性のMN頻度のどちらも、ドナー間(p < 0.009)および実験間(p < 0.002)で非常に有意に変化し、かなり低いものの有意性のあるMN増加がばく露時間(p = 0.0004)およびに電力密度(p = 0.0166)に依存して観察された;2回目の実験では、自発性および誘発性のMN頻度のかなり大きな低下が測定された、と報告している。
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To assess the capability of microwaves to induce genotoxic effects.
Peripheral blood lymphocytes from nine different healthy donors were evaluated to investigate also the possible inter-individual response variability. Reproducibility was tested by repeating the experiment three months later.
周波数 | 1,800 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 60, 120, and 180 min |
Modulation type | CW |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | Three millilitres of whole blood were exposed at room temperature (21-22 °C). Sample tubes were placed in a supporting frame, made of anechoic material, at an aerial distance ensuring continuous field conditions. |
Additional information | Temperature variation was measured in water samples under the same experimental conditions of culture irradiation. |
It was shown that lymphocyte proliferation indices were significantly different among donors and between experiments, whereas the applied power density and the irradiation time did not have any effect on them.
Both spontaneous and induced micronuclei frequencies varied significantly among donors and between experiments. A statistically significant increase of micronuclei, although rather low, was revealed dependent on exposure time and applied power density. A considerable decrease in spontaneous and induced micronuclei frequencies was found in the second experiment.
The data show that microwaves are able to induce micronuclei in short-time exposures to medium power density fields. The data analysis highlights a wide inter-individual variability in the response, which was confirmed to be a characteristic reproducible trait by means of the second experiment.