この研究は、ラットにパルス化円偏波マイクロ波(2,450MHz、パルス幅2μ秒、500 pps、電力密度1mW / cm2、全身平均SAR 0.6W / kg)の反復ばく露を与え、中枢神経系への影響を調べた。その結果、ばく露軍では、中枢神経系のムスカリン性コリン作動性受容体の濃度における二相性変化が誘発された; マイクロ波ばく露の45分間セッションを10回受けたラットの海馬では、受容体濃度上昇が生じた;一方、20分間セッションの10回ばく露の場合、前頭皮質および海馬での濃度低下が観察された;ばく露セッションの前に、麻薬性拮抗薬ナルトレキソン(1mg / kg、IP)を投与した場合、マイクロ波をばく露による脳のコリン作動性受容体での変化は阻害された、と報告している。
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To clarify neural mechanism involved in the effects of low-level microwave exposure on the functions of the central cholinergic systems.
The authors investigated the effect of pretreatment with the narcotic antagonist naltrexone on microwave-induced changes in muscarinic cholinergic receptors. Because the acute effect can be blocked by naltrexone, it is expected that the neurological consequences of repeated irradiation (i.e. changes in neurotransmitter receptor concentrations) also can be blocked.
Four conditions were used: microwave + naltrexone hydrochloride injection( 1 ml/kg), sham exposure + naltrexone, microwave + saline (1 ml/kg) and sham exposure + saline.
Repeated irradiation of rats to pulsed microwaves induced biphasic changes in the concentration of muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the CNS: An increase in receptor concentration occured in the hippocampus of rats subjected to ten 45-min sessions of microwave exposure, whereas a decrease in receptor concentration was observed in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of animals exposed to ten 20-min sessions. The drug pretreatment blocked the microwave-induced changes in cholinergic receptors in the brain.
The results support the author's hypothesis that endogenous opioids play a role in the effects of microwaves on central cholinergic systems.