この研究は、海洋レーダ装置から発生するパルスマイクロ波の電磁放射への職業ばく露を受けた作業員を調査対象として、血液試料を用いて細胞遺伝学的損傷および酸化ストレスを評価した。割り当てられた海洋レーダの周波数(3 GHz、5.5 GHz、および9.4 GHz)の強度を測定し、対応するSAR値を決定した。就業年数やばく露実態から分類したばく露作業員群と無ばく露作業員群において、コメットアッセイおよび小核試験のパラメータを調査した。また、グルタチオンとマロンジアルデヒドの濃度を、分光光度法と高速液体クロマトグラフィーで測定した。その結果、コメットアッセイパラメータ(平均のテイル強度およびモーメント)および小核試験パラメータ(小核、核質ブリッジおよび核芽)には、2群間で有意差が見られた;このことから、ばく露群では細胞遺伝学的変化が生じたことが示唆された;ばく露群では、無ばく露対照群に比べ、グルタチオン濃度が有意に低く、マロンジアルデヒドの濃度が有意に高かった;このことから、ばく露群での酸化ストレスが示唆された、と報告している。
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To study the cytogenetic damage and oxidative stress induced in workers occupationally exposed to pulsed microwave while working in the vicinity of marine radar equipment.
The study population consisted of exposed workers (29 blood donors: one female and 28 male; average age 41.07 ±1.36 years, 37.9% of them are smokers) and the group of corresponding control subjects (one female and 28 male; average age 38.76 ±1.28 years, 50% of them are smokers).
ばく露 | パラメータ |
3 GHz
(two times 4 h at the workplace + 16 h in the resting areas)/day for 7 days then 7 days off - for up to 16 years (average 10 ±0.76 years)
5.5 GHz
(two times 4 h at the workplace + 16 h in the resting areas)/day for 7 days then 7 days off - for up to 16 years (average 10 ±0.76 years)
9.4 GHz
(two times 4 h at the workplace + 16 h in the resting areas)/day for 7 days then 7 days off - for up to 16 years (average 10 ±0.76 years)
Measurements were made at eight different locations.
周波数 | 3 GHz |
タイプ |
波形 |
ばく露時間 | (two times 4 h at the workplace + 16 h in the resting areas)/day for 7 days then 7 days off - for up to 16 years (average 10 ±0.76 years) |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
周波数 | 5.5 GHz |
タイプ |
波形 |
ばく露時間 | (two times 4 h at the workplace + 16 h in the resting areas)/day for 7 days then 7 days off - for up to 16 years (average 10 ±0.76 years) |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
周波数 | 9.4 GHz |
タイプ |
波形 |
ばく露時間 | (two times 4 h at the workplace + 16 h in the resting areas)/day for 7 days then 7 days off - for up to 16 years (average 10 ±0.76 years) |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Differences in comet assay and micronucleus test parameters were statistically significant between the two examined groups, suggesting that cytogenetic alterations occurred after microwave exposure.
The glutathione concentration in the exposed group was significantly lower than in controls whereas the concentration of malondialdehyde was significantly higher, indicating oxidative stress.
The data suggest that pulsed microwaves from working environment can be the cause of genetic and cell alterations and that oxidative stress can be one of the possible mechanisms of DNA and cell damage.