この研究は、ラットにパルス化円偏波マイクロ波(2,450MHz、パルス幅2μ秒、500 pps、電力密度1mW / cm2、全身平均SAR 0.6W / kg)の急性ばく露(45分間)を与え、中枢神経系への影響を調べた。その結果、ばく露群では、前頭皮質および海馬におけるナトリウム依存性の高親和性コリン取り込み(HACU)活性が低下した;このような影響は、特異的コルチコトロピン放出因子(CRF)受容体アンタゴニストであるα-ヘリックス-CRF_9-24(25μg)の脳室内へのばく露前投与によって阻止された;なお、 同じようなアンタゴニスト事前投与を擬似ばく露群で行なった場合には、ラットの脳におけるHACUに有意な影響はなかった、と報告している。
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The study was performed to investigate the neural mechanism in the effect of microwaves on central cholinergic system. The aim of the experiment was to study whether corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is involved in the microwave induced effects on changes in "sodium-dependent high-affinity choline uptake". The specific CRF receptor antagonist (alpha-helical-CRF) was injected into the lateral cerebroventricle of rats before microwave exposure to investigate whether the irradiation induced changes in "sodium-dependent high-affinity choline uptake" in the frontal cortex and hippocampus can be blocked.
周波数 | 2.45 GHz |
タイプ |
偏波 |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 45 min |
Modulation type | pulsed |
Pulse width | 2 µs |
Repetition frequency | 500 Hz |
Additional information |
500 pulses per second |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | plastic chamber to hold the rats inside the waveguide |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Pretreatment of the rats with the CRF antagonist blocked the effect of microwaves (decrease in high-affinity choline-uptake) in the frontal cortex and the hippocampus. No significant difference in high-affinity choline-uptake was observed between the microwave- and sham-exposed animals after such treatment. The results suggest that the effects of acute low-level microwave irradiation on central cholinergic systems are mediated by corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in the brain. Since the CRF antagonist has no significant effect on high-affinity choline uptake in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of sham-exposed rats, this would imply that microwaves activate CRF in the brain, which in turn causes the changes in high-affinity choline uptake.