研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[電界ばく露したトウモロコシ幼苗における遺伝的変異のタンパク質およびDNAマーカに基づく評価] med./bio.

Evaluation of Genetic Variations in Maize Seedlings Exposed to Electric Field Based on Protein and DNA Markers

掲載誌: Biomed Res Int 2015: 874906

この研究は、トウモロコシ幼苗(発芽7日目)に交流電界ばく露(50Hz、6 kV/m、ばく露期間1、3、5日間)を与え、遺伝的変異のタンパク質およびDNAマーカの変化を無ばく露対照群と比較した。ドデシル硫酸ナトリウム・ポリアクリルアミドゲル電気泳動法、アイソザイム、ランダム増幅多型DNA(RAPD)マーカ、コメットアッセイを用いたタンパク質、核DNAの分析の結果、種々の高分子、バイオマーカへの遺伝毒性ストレスが示されたことを報告している。

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The genotoxic and mutagenic effects of exposure of maize seedlings to a 50 Hz electric field should be investigated.


7-day-old maize seedlings were divided into 4 groups (n=10 each): exposure for 1) 1 day, 2) 3 days, 3) 5 days and and 4) control group. After exposure, leaves were dried and examined (remark EMF-portal: it is not clear after how many days the control group was investigated).
Genetical polymorphism was used beside enzyme or protein polymorphism as an indicator for mutations, that means that the respective gene product could be distinguished due to genetical polymorphism.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 50 Hz
ばく露時間: continuous for 1, 3 or 5 days


周波数 50 Hz
  • electric field
ばく露時間 continuous for 1, 3 or 5 days
  • parallel aluminum electrodes
チャンバの詳細 earthenware pot (60 cm diameter)
ばく露装置の詳細 two parallel aluminum electrodes (60 Œ 50 Œ 2 cm each) were fixed horizontally above and below seedlings
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電界強度 6 kV/m - - - -


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


SDS-PAGE analysis revealed a polymorphism in proteins of 84.62% between the 4 groups .
The polymorphism of leucyl aminopeptidase, peroxidase and catalase isozymes was 100% between the 4 groups, whereas for esterase, the value was 83.33%.
In the amino acid analysis, the share of each group in the total content of free amino acids was between 22.65% and 28.09%.
RAPD-PCR revealed that 78 amplified DNA products had a polymorphism value of 95.08%.
In the comet assay, the highest degree of DNA damage was found in group 3 (5 days of exposure).
The authors conclude that exposure of maize seedlings to a 50 Hz electric field might have genotoxic and mutagenic effects.
(remark EMF-portal: no significance was given for any results)


