この研究は、マウス精母細胞由来のGC-2細胞株に、GSM-Talkモードの1800 MHz GSM信号の断続的ばく露(5分間オン、10分間オフ)を24時間与え、DNA損傷が誘発されるか否かを調べた。ばく露のSARレベルは、1 W / kg、2 W / kgまたは4 W / kgとした。ばく露終了後、ホルムアミドピリミジンDNAグリコシラーゼ(FPG)を用いた修正コメットアッセイで、DNA移動を評価した。また、フローサイトメトリーで、DNA損傷における生成物を測定し、アルカリコメットアッセイでDNA鎖切断を検査した。その結果、4 W / kgばく露群で、DNA移動の程度が有意に増加した;また、DNA損傷生成物である8-オキソグアニン(8-oxoG)のレベルも4 W / kgばく露群で増加し、この増加は、活性酸素種(ROS)の産生の増加と一致していた;しかし、アルカリコメットアッセイで検出可能な程度のDNA鎖切断は観察されなかった;総括すると、DNA鎖切断を直接誘導するに十分なエネルギーを持たないRF-EMRは、雄の生殖細胞の酸化的なDNA塩基損傷を通じて遺伝毒性を引き起こす可能性があることが示唆された、と報告している。
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To examine whether exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields causes DNA damage in male murine germ cells.
Two experiments were performed. In the first experiment, the dose-related effects were examined: 1.) negative control, 2.) positive control (addition of H2O2), 3.) exposure at specific absorption rate 1 W/kg, 4.) specific absorption rate 2 W/kg and 5.) specific absorption rate 4 W/kg. In the second experiment, the role of oxidative stress was determined: 1.) sham exposure, 2.) sham exposure + alpha-tocopherol, 3.) radiofrequency exposure (4 W/kg) and 4.) radiofrequency exposure (4 W/kg) + alpha-tocopherol. The experiments were repeated thrice.
cells exposed in Petri dishes; 6 Petri dishes simultaneously
two rectangular waveguides; one waveguide used for exposures, other waveguide used for sham exposures; both waveguides were placed inside a CO2 incubator
遺伝毒性/突然変異: DNA damage (alkaline comet assay, modified comet assay with formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase (enzyme that recognizes and cuts out oxidized purine))
oxidative stress: level of 8-oxoguanine (defective form of the nucleic base guanine), (immunocytochemistry, flow cytometry); level of reactive oxygen species (fluorophotometry)
The alkaline comet assay showed no significant DNA damage in any of the groups. However, using the modified comet assay, a significant DNA damage in the 4 W/kg (but not at 1 W/kg and 2 W/kg) exposed cell cultures was found in comparison to the sham exposed cell cultures. The mean fluorescence intensity of 8-oxoguanine was significantly higher in the 4 W/kg (but not at 1 W/kg and 2 W/kg) exposed cultures than in the sham exposed cultures. In the 4 W/kg and 2 W/kg (but not at 1/W/kg) exposed cultures, the level of reactive oxygen species was significantly increased compared to the sham exposed cell cultures. All the effects were blocked by an addition of alpha-tocopherol (only tested with a specific absorption rate of 4 W/kg). The authors conclude that exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields causes a DNA damage in male germ cells via oxidative stress.