この研究は、ラットを用いた実験で、2.45 GHzマイクロ波へのばく露がラットの脳の発達に及ぼす影響を調べた。オスのウィスター35日齢ラット(n = 6)に、電力密度0.344 mW / cm2、2.45GHzのマイクロ波電磁界へのばく露(SARは 0.11 W / kg)を、2時間/日で5日間与えた。対照には、擬似ばく露群を用いた。35日間のばく露終了後、これらのラットを屠殺し、脳組織全体のプロテインキナーゼC(PKC)アッセイ、さらには、全脳から分離した前脳の形態学的検査を行った。PKC活性の測定にはP32標識ATPを用いた。その結果、海馬のPKC活性が、脳全体の残りの部分および対照群のものに比べ、有意な低下を示した;再度行った実験でも同様の結果がもたらされた;電子顕微鏡を用いた形態学的検査では、対照群に比べ、ばく露群でのグリア細胞集団の増加が見られた、と報告している。
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To study the effect of 2.45 GHz exposure on calcium-dependent protein kinase C (PKC) enzyme activity and morphological changes in the developing rat brain.
PKC was determined in the whole brain, hippocampus and whole brain minus hippocampus separately of six rats (35 days old). Morphological changes were investigated in additional six rats.
周波数 | 2.45 GHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 2 h/day on 35 days |
Modulation type | pulsed |
Duty cycle | 25 % |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
ばく露装置の詳細 | wooden anechoic chamber lined on the inside with pyramidal black radar absorbing material (40 dB); horn antenna positioned at one end of the chamber at a distance of 2 d²/λ from the cage; six rats placed individually in one of the six compartments (arranged in 2 columns and 3 rows) of a 43 cm x 27 cm x 15 cm Plexiglas cage inside the chamber; cage and chamber ventilated and temperature kept constant at 30°C; animals restraint during exposure |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
The data revealed a statistically significant decrease in PKC enzyme activity in the hippocampus and the whole brain when compared with the rest of the brain (whole brain - hippocampus) and compared with the control group.
Additionally, glial cell population was increased in the exposed group as compared with the control group.
The authors conclude that chronic exposures may affect brain growth and brain development.