本研究は、市販のGSM 900MHz携帯電話から放射されるMWの短期的及び長期的ばく露が、ウズラ(Coturnix coturnix japonica)の胚発育に及ぼす作用を明らかにすることを目的とした。このため、新鮮な受精卵に対し、孵卵開始後最初の38時間または14日間、コンピュータシステムを介して継続的に起動状態にした、「接続」モードの携帯電話を用いて照射した。卵表面に対する入射マイクロ波の最大強度は0.2μW/cm2であった。照射により、38時間ばく露した胚では分化した体節の数が有意に増加し、14日間ばく露した卵では胚の総生存率が有意に上昇した。著者は、観察された促進作用は、過酸化メカニズムによりばく露胚で誘発された代謝強化によるものであるとの仮説を立て、ばく露胚由来の幼鳥における脳及び肝臓では、チオバルビツール酸(TBA)反応生成物のレベルが有意に高かったと報告している。
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To study the effects of microwaves emitted by a GSM 900 MHz cell phone on embryo development in quails.
Embryos were exposed in ovo (in the egg). Two experiments were performed: 1 a) unexposed for 38 h (n=10), 1 b) exposed for 38 h (n=10), 2 a) unexposed for 14 days and 2 b) exposed for 14 days (n=56-68 (Remark EMF-Portal: not clear if the number of samples is given only for exposure group or for both groups).
ばく露 | パラメータ |
890–915 MHz
continuous for 38 h
890–915 MHz
continuous for 14 days
周波数 | 890–915 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 38 h |
Additional information | channel rotating frequency: 217 Hz |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
チャンバの詳細 | 920 mm x 590 mm x 530 mm laboratory incubator with metal covers removed from the door and the sides and replaced by plastic covers; temperature of incubation during the first 14 days was 38.3°C; after 14 days of incubation the temperature of incubation was lowered to 37.5°C |
ばく露装置の詳細 | eggs placed on horizontal trays; cell phone positioned on a plastic stand inside the incubator at a distance of 3 cm from the eggs; unexposed eggs placed inside the same incubator at a distance of 6 cm from the exposed eggs and shielded by aluminum foil; cell phone kept in connecting mode by auto-redial; each connecting attempt lasted 45 s; distance between the phone and the eggs: 3 cm - 10 cm |
周波数 | 890–915 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 14 days |
Additional information | channel rotating frequency: 217 Hz |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
In the first experiment, the number of somites in the exposed group increased significantly in comparison to the control group. No differences in the surface temperature of the eggs between the exposed group and the control group occurred.
In the second experiment, the survival rate of the exposed group was significantly higher than the survival rate of the control group. In the exposed group, the hatchability was significantly increased in comparison to the control group. The hatching took place 3-4 hours earlier in the exposed group as compared with the control.
In day-old chicks, which were exposed in ovo, the level of lipid peroxidation in the liver and in the brain was significantly increased in comparison to the control group. The level of lipid peroxidation in the heart of the exposed group was higher than that of the control group, but did not reach statistical significance.
The authors conclude that in ovo exposure to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field stimulates the early development of the embryo and increases the total survival rate in Japanese quails. The observed effects could be explained by increased levels of lipid peroxidation in brains and livers of the embryos.