【目的】標準化された安寧度質問紙により測定される心理学的症状(良好な気分、敏捷さ、落ち着き)に対するGSM携帯電話基地局RF-EMFの短期ばく露の影響を調べること。【方法】選出された57人の参加者は、3つのばく露シナリオのうちの1つに無作為に割り当てられた。各シナリオは5回の50分ばく露セッションからなり、そのうち最初の4セッションだけが心理学的症状の検査のためのものであった。Low、Medium、Highのばく露レベルの平均電力密度束は、それぞれ5.2、153.6、2126.8mW/m2とし、ばく露シナリオHM、MHの第1、3,5セッションはLowであり、HMの第2セッションはHigh、4セッションはMediumであり、MHはその逆とした。LLは、第1-4セッションをLowとし、第5セッションをHighとした。各セッションの切り替えは二重盲検的に行った。質問紙への回答は、実験前の他、各ばく露セッションの開始直前と終了前の3分間に行った。【結果】HMおよびMHの参加者はLLよりも、セッション中について「落ち着き」度が高かった(P=0.042)。の間静かであった。しかし、「良好な気分」、「敏捷さ」について、シナリオによる差異はなかった。【結論】 GSM基地局からの信号への短期ばく露は、心理学的覚醒度を減じ、それが安寧度に影響している可能性がある。
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To evaluate whether different intensities of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure from an operating mobile phone GSM-signal base station with only short-term exposure can cause detectable differences in subjective well-being. Secondary it was investigated whether symptoms could be shown to be associated with a "nocebo" effect caused by anxiety, concerns and stress.
57 participants (35 women) were randomly assigned to one of three different exposure scenarios with three exposure levels (low, medium, high). Hypersensitive individuals were neither actively recruited, nor excluded from the tests.
周波数 | 900 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | intermittent, 5 x 50 min, with 5-min breaks |
Modulation type | pulsed |
Additional information |
GSM downlink |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Distance between exposed object and exposure source | 6 m |
チャンバの詳細 | The experiments took place in an adapted room in a kindergarten. Participants sat on a comfortable wooden chair at 6 m from the GSM-900 omni antenna mounted on the facade of the building and behind a gap in the shielding carbonaceous wall paint. |
ばく露装置の詳細 | Three different exposure levels (low, medium, and high) were created by shielding and placebo curtains which could be installed or removed by technicians during the 5-min breaks between sessions such that double-blinded conditions prevailed. |
Additional information | Participants were randomly subjected to one of three different exposure scenarios with five 50-min exposure sessions of which only the first four were relevant for the study of psychological symptoms. The scenarios were HM: LHLML, MH: LMLHL, and LL: LLLLH. Due to early termination of the study, numbers of subjects for the three scenarios were not equal as projected (22 for HM, 26 for MH, and 9 for LL). |
Participants that received high or medium exposure were significantly calmer during the sessions than participants in the low exposure condition. No significant differences between the different intensities on the parameters "good mood" or "alertness" were found. Self-rated electromagnetic hypersensitivity was low in prevalence and did not correlate with any of the factors describing psychological stress.
The authors conclude that short-term exposure to GSM base station signals may have an impact on well-being by reducing psychological arousal.