この研究は、ICRマウスを用いて、コカイン投与および超低周波(ELF)磁界(MF)への急性ばく露によって生じる病前的行動変化を調べた。マウスは、コカイン投与(用量は65および70 mg / kgの2レベル)の腹腔内投与を受けた後、8タイプのELF-MF(2、3、4、8、10、15、25 Hzは約1.8 mT、60Hzは約0.98 mT)のうちの1つがばく露された。コカイン用量と磁界タイプを組み合わせた実験にそれぞれ12匹のラットが用いられた。各実験の実施順はランダムであり、その実験条件は、行動テスト実施者にはブランド化された。その結果、ICRマウスで定義された病前行動(後ろ肢立ちの停止、運動停止、尾の痙攣、横隔膜痙攣、強直性間代性発作、てんかん重積状態(てんかん発作の延長)、全身痙攣など)の発症時間と発症数の変化が各タイプのELF-MFばく露で観察された;4 HzのMFばく露群において、後ろ肢立ちの停止および強直間代発作の発症時間は、擬似ばく露群のそれと有意差があった、と報告している。
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The effects of exposure to 2-60 Hz magnetic fields on cocaine-induced behavioral changes in mice should be investigated.
In previous experiments, the authors found that magnetic field exposure might influence the toxicity and the behavioral effects of cocaine in mice. The latter should be closer investigated in this study in view of a possible therapeutic use.
216 mice received intraperitoneal injections of cocaine hydrochloride (either 65 or 70 mg/kg) and were exposed to a magnetic field immediately thereafter. The following groups were used (n=24 each): 65 mg/kg cocaine (n=12) and 70 mg/kg cocaine (n=12) and exposure to a magnetic field of 1) 2 Hz, 2) 3 Hz, 3) 4 Hz, 4) 8 Hz, 5) 10 Hz, 6) 15 Hz, 7) 25 Hz, 8) 60 Hz and 9) sham exposure.
The doses of cocaine were chosen because the lethality is around 50%.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
2 Hz
about 20 min
3 Hz
about 20 min
4 Hz
about 20 min
8 Hz
about 20 min
10 Hz
about 20 min
15 Hz
about 20 min
25 Hz
about 20 min
60 Hz
about 20 min
周波数 | 2 Hz |
タイプ |
波形 |
ばく露時間 | about 20 min |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
チャンバの詳細 | plexi glass cage of 18 x 13 x 13 cm³ |
ばく露装置の詳細 | 5 rectangular coils on 38 x 26 x 38 cm3 with 150 turns on open wooden frames created the fields; 4 vertical wooden supports held the coils, which were set 9.5 cm apart; the homogeneity over the exposed region inside the frame was larger than 95%; mouse cage with one mouse was placed at the center of the coil system; temperature of laboratory was between 26°C and 28°C |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
It was found that the mean onset times of stop rearing and tonic-clonic seizures were significantly different in the 4 Hz magnetic field exposure group (group 3) compared to the sham exposure group.