
Experimental studies on the effects of low and radio frequency on young animals

  1. 319研究
  2. 309研究
  3. 121研究
  4. 52研究
  5. 48研究
  6. 16研究
  7. 11研究


  1. 149研究
  2. 116研究
  3. 57研究
Authors Year Exposed system Endpoints Frequency range SAR Exposure duration Parameters
Hässig M et al. 2009 動物, calf, 全身 effects on eye (nuclear cataract; oxidative stress) - - continuous for 1 year 移動体通信システム, 携帯電話基地局, GSM, UMTS
Lindholm H et al. 2011 ヒト, 身体の一部: head (right ear) head temperature 902.4 MHz 0.66–4.3 W/kg continuous for 15 min デジタル携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム
Tomruk A et al. 2010 動物, rabbit/New Zealand White, 全身 oxidative stress induced liver damage (hepato-toxicity: DNA damage, lipid peroxidation and malondialdehyde level) 1,800 MHz - continuous for 15 min/day on 7 days デジタル携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム, PW パルス波
Guler G et al. 2012 動物, rabbit/New Zealand, 全身 effects on the liver of young rabbits (DNA damage and lipid peroxidation) 1,800 MHz 1.8 W/kg continuous for 15 min/day on 7 days (female) or 14 days (male) デジタル携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム, PW パルス波
Ciftci ZZ et al. 2015 動物, rat/Wistar albino (<i>in utero</i> and young animals), 身体の一部: head development and composition of teeth in young rats 2.45 GHz 9 mW/kg continuous for 2 h/day during gestation (21 days) and up to 21 after birth W-LAN/WiFi, 2.45 GHz
Atli Sekeroglu Z et al. 2013 動物, rat/Wistar albino, 全身 DNA damage, cytotoxicity 900 MHz 0.37–0.76 W/kg continuous for 2 h/day for 45 days 携帯電話, GSM, 移動体通信システム, RF, CW 連続波
Laudisi F et al. 2012 動物, mouse/C57BL/6, 全身: <i>in utero</i> pregnancy outcome, number/proliferation of T-cells in thymus and spleen (peripheral T-cells), cytokine production 2,451–2,473 MHz 4 W/kg continuous for 2 h/day on 14 consecutive days (starting 5 days after mating, ending 1 day before expected delivery) RF, W-LAN/WiFi
Sambucci M et al. 2010 動物, mouse/C57BL/6, 身体の一部: posterior part pregnancy outcome, spleen cell number, B cell frequency, and antibody levels 2.45–2.473 GHz 4 W/kg continuous for 2 h/day on 14 consecutive days, starting 5 days after mating, ending one day before expected delivery W-LAN/WiFi, 2.45 GHz
Sambucci M et al. 2011 動物, mouse/C57BL/6, 全身 immune parameters in the spleen, thymus and in the blood 2.451–2.473 GHz 0.08–4 W/kg continuous for 2 h/day, 5 days/week for 5 weeks, starting with the day after birth W-LAN/WiFi, 2.45 GHz
Bedir R et al. 2015 動物, rat/Sprague-Dawley (embryo), 全身 development of kidneys 900 MHz - continuous for 20 days during pregnancy 携帯電話, 移動体通信システム