
Experimental studies on the effects of low and radio frequency on young animals

  1. 314研究
  2. 303研究
  3. 119研究
  4. 52研究
  5. 45研究
  6. 15研究
  7. 10研究


  1. 147研究
  2. 112研究
  3. 56研究
Authors Year Exposed system Endpoints Frequency range SAR Exposure duration Parameters
Woodbine L et al. 2015 動物, マウス/C57BL/6 (胚), 全身 マウスの胚の脳での二重鎖切断 50 Hz - continuous for 3 hours prior to and up to 9 hours after X-radiation 磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC), 共ばく露
Majidian Eydgahi S et al. 2015 動物, chicken/Ross (egg), 全身 - - - - 磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC), 非EMF, 共ばく露
Kolbabova T et al. 2015 動物, cow (calve)/Holstein and Czech Red Pied cattle, 全身 melatonin level in saliva 50 Hz - continuous (?) for 35 days 磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC)
Mohamed GM et al. 2015 動物, ニワトリ/レグホン (卵) 赤血球およびヘモグロビンの特性 50 Hz - continuous for 20 minutes 磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC)
Udroiu I et al. 2015 動物, mouse/CD-1 Swiss (adults, fetuses and young animals), 全身 DNA damage, teratogenicity 50 Hz - continuous form day 11.5 post conception to day 21 after birth (weaning) (30 days in total) 磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC), 共ばく露
Soffritti M et al. 2016 動物, rat/Sprague Dawley, 全身 occurrence of tumors in rats 50 Hz - continuous for 19 hours/day from the 12<sup>th</sup> day of pregnancy until death 磁界, 共ばく露
Cawley P et al. 2016 - - - - - RF, MRI
Passi R et al. 2017 - - - - - 磁界, therapeutic/medical device
Wiltschko W et al. 2007 動物, chicken - 0 Hz–1.566 MHz - - 地磁気, 中間周波, 静磁界, 共ばく露
Khoshroo MM et al. 2018 動物, 全身 immune and stress parameters 50 Hz - - 磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC)