この研究は、インビトロで、ヒト末梢血リンパ球(PBL)に830 MHzの連続波電磁界のばく露を与え、染色体の損失または増加(異数性)が生じるか否かを調べた。PBLは、温度範囲が34.5〜37.5℃に保たれた平行平板共振器内に置かれ、いくつかのレベルのSAR(1.6 - 8.8 W/ kg)で、72時間のばく露を受けた。ばく露を受けた組織培養フラスコ内の平均SARとその分布は、測定値と数値解析を組み合わせて決定された。その結果、17番染色体の異数性の直線的な増加が、SAR値の関数として観察された;このことは、このばく露が遺伝毒性効果を持つことを示している;RF無ばく露の対照実験を34.5〜38.5℃の温度範囲で実施した場合、温度上昇は遺伝的またはエピジェニティックな変化のいずれにも関連しなかった、と報告している。
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To address the question whether in vitro exposure of human peripheral blood lymphocytes to mobile telephone frequencies (continuous 830 MHz) leads to genetic effects that are associated with increased risk for cancer.
周波数 | 830 MHz |
タイプ |
特性 |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 72 h |
Modulation type | CW |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
チャンバの詳細 | incubator |
ばく露装置の詳細 | The exposure cell consisted of a plastic standard tissue culture flask of 25 cm² that was placed within a parallel plate RF resonator fed by a coaxial cable through a tapered transition section. |
Additional information | The sham exposed sample was placed in the same incubator, at a different height level, with a metal plate between the two samples. An additional control flask was grown in a different incubator which was set to 37 °C. |
The results indicate that human cells exposed to radiofrequency radiation acquire premalignant genotypes associated with elevated levels of aneuploidy and abnormalities in replication mode as expressed in asynchrony in the replication timing of homologous chromosomal regions associated with chromosome segregation.