この研究は、無麻酔のウサギの頭部領域に40mW / cm 2の電磁界強度で波長12.5cmのマイクロ波のばく露を与え、脳活動への影響を調べた。その結果、脳電図において、徐波および紡錘波の数が増加した;試行の41〜52%において、 視覚野ニューロンの発火頻度に変化が見られた;試行の61%において、光に対する 視覚野ニューロンの誘発反応の増強が見られ、すべての試行の80%において、光駆動反応が促進された、と報告している。(参考)光駆動反応(driving response):周期的閃光刺激により、刺激サイクルと同一あるいは調和関係にあるサイクル数の波が後頭部優位に出現する。正常者においても出現する生理的反応である。
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Slow potentials and spike unit activity were investigated. The analysis involved consideration of 1) the background activity, 2) the evoked response to single light flashes, and 3) the evoked response to sequences of light flashes of increasing intensity or increasing frequency (driving response).
A 1-min microwave exposure of the animals head produced an EEG response by an increased number of spindle-shape firings and slow waves. These were accompanied by a change in pulse frequency of neurons, an increase in some cells and a decrease in other cells.
After microwave irradiation an enhancement of evoked responses was observed in the visual cortex neurons to single light flashes in 61% of the cases. The microwave fields facilitated the driving response to light flashes in 80% of cases. This was evidenced by a decreased threshold for obtaining evoked potentials and widening of the frequency range to which neurons were able to respond.
The evoked activity was a more sensitive indicator of the radiofrequency electromagnetic field effect than background activity. The reactivity alterations were more easily detected when using the driving response test than by using single stimuli.