研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[マウスの胚、胎仔、新生仔の発達に対するマイクロ波の子宮内ばく露の影響] med./bio.

Effects of microwave exposure in utero on embryonal, fetal and postnatal development of mice

掲載誌: Biol Neonate 1983; 44 (6): 339-348

この研究は、妊娠中のスイスマウスに、その妊娠期間の様々な期間中に2,450MHzの連続波マイクロ波の反復的ばく露を与える実験を行なった。ばく露は、無響チャンバー内で、10(熱的レベル以下)または40 mW / cm2(熱的レベル)の電力密度で、2時間/日、7ばく露セッション/週で、毎日行われた。 その結果、熱的レベルでのばく露群では、胎仔での無心体、出血吸収および死亡の発生率上昇を伴って、子宮内での胚および胎仔の発達の有意な抑制がもたらされた;さらに、妊娠の全期間にわたって熱的レベルのマイクロ波ばく露を受けた母マウスの仔においては、ウイルスおよび細菌への感染に対する非特異的耐性が著しく低下した;一方、10mW / cm 2の電力密度マイクロ波ばく露後には、そのような影響は見られなかった、と報告している。

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This in vivo study was conducted to investigate possible teratogenic effects of 2.45 GHz microwave irradiation in mice.


30 female mice (6-8 weeks old) per group were exposed during different gestation time periods at either 40 mW/cm2 (thermal power density),10 mW/cm2 (athermal power density) or sham exposed (control group) to examine effects of microwave exposure on the embryonal development (see exposure 1), on the fetal development (see exposure 2), and on the postnatal development (see exposure 3).



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 2.45 GHz
Modulation type: CW
ばく露時間: 2 h/day for 4 days
  • SAR: 4 mW/g minimum (whole body) (for exposure with 10 mW/cm²)
  • SAR: 5 mW/g maximum (whole body) (for exposure with 10 mW/cm²)
  • SAR: 16 mW/g minimum (whole body) (for exposure with 40 mW/cm²)
  • SAR: 18 mW/g maximum (whole body) (for exposure with 40 mW/cm²)
  • 電力密度: 10 mW/cm² (group 1)
  • 電力密度: 40 mW/cm² (group 2)
ばく露2: 2.45 GHz
Modulation type: CW
ばく露時間: 2 h/day for 7 days or 10 days or 18 days
  • SAR: 4 mW/g minimum (whole body) (for exposure with 10 mW/cm²)
  • SAR: 5 mW/g maximum (whole body) (for exposure with 10 mW/cm²)
  • SAR: 16 mW/g minimum (whole body) (for exposure with 40 mW/cm²)
  • SAR: 18 mW/g maximum (whole body) (for exposure with 40 mW/cm²)
  • 電力密度: 10 mW/cm² (group 1 to group 3)
  • 電力密度: 40 mW/cm² (group 4 to group 6)
ばく露3: 2.45 GHz
Modulation type: CW
ばく露時間: 2 h/day for 18 days
  • SAR: 4 mW/g minimum (whole body) (for exposure with 10 mW/cm²)
  • SAR: 5 mW/g maximum (whole body) (for exposure with 10 mW/cm²)
  • SAR: 16 mW/g minimum (whole body) (for exposure with 40 mW/cm²)
  • SAR: 18 mW/g maximum (whole body) (for exposure with 40 mW/cm²)
  • 電力密度: 10 mW/cm² (group 1)
  • 電力密度: 40 mW/cm² (group 2)

General information

for exposure 1: group 1: 10 mW/cm² for the first four days of pregnancy group 2: 40 mW/cm² for the first four days of pregnancy sham exposure group for exposure 2: group 1: 10 mW/cm² daily exposure for the first 7 days of pregnancy group 2: 10 mW/cm² daily exposure from day 8 to day 18 of pregnancy group 3: 10 mW/cm² daily exposure for the whole period of pregnancy (18 days) group 4: 40 mW/cm² daily exposure for the first 7 days of pregnancy group 5: 40 mW/cm² daily exposure from day 8 to day 18 of pregnancy group 6: 40 mW/cm² daily exposure for the whole period of pregnancy group 7: control for exposure 3: group 1: 10 mW/cm² for the whole period of pregnancy group 2: 40 mW/cm² for the whole period of pregnancy group 3: control


周波数 2.45 GHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 2 h/day for 4 days
Modulation type CW
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 4 mW/g minimum 計算値 whole body for exposure with 10 mW/cm²
SAR 5 mW/g maximum 計算値 whole body for exposure with 10 mW/cm²
SAR 16 mW/g minimum 計算値 whole body for exposure with 40 mW/cm²
SAR 18 mW/g maximum 計算値 whole body for exposure with 40 mW/cm²
電力密度 10 mW/cm² - 測定値 - group 1
電力密度 40 mW/cm² - 測定値 - group 2


周波数 2.45 GHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 2 h/day for 7 days or 10 days or 18 days
Modulation type CW
  • E1と同じ装置
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 4 mW/g minimum 計算値 whole body for exposure with 10 mW/cm²
SAR 5 mW/g maximum 計算値 whole body for exposure with 10 mW/cm²
SAR 16 mW/g minimum 計算値 whole body for exposure with 40 mW/cm²
SAR 18 mW/g maximum 計算値 whole body for exposure with 40 mW/cm²
電力密度 10 mW/cm² - 測定値 - group 1 to group 3
電力密度 40 mW/cm² - 測定値 - group 4 to group 6


周波数 2.45 GHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 2 h/day for 18 days
Modulation type CW
  • E1と同じ装置
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 4 mW/g minimum 計算値 whole body for exposure with 10 mW/cm²
SAR 5 mW/g maximum 計算値 whole body for exposure with 10 mW/cm²
SAR 16 mW/g minimum 計算値 whole body for exposure with 40 mW/cm²
SAR 18 mW/g maximum 計算値 whole body for exposure with 40 mW/cm²
電力密度 10 mW/cm² - 測定値 - group 1
電力密度 40 mW/cm² - 測定値 - group 2

Reference articles

  • Szmigielski S et al. (1982): [2450 MHzのマイクロ波放射によりマウスの自然発生的ながんとベンゾピレンにより誘発された皮膚がんの発達が加速した]


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


Thermal exposures to microwaves at 40 mW/cm2 power flux inhibited significantly the embryonal and fetal development in utero, accompanied by an increased incidence of intra-fetal bleedings, deaths and resorptions of fetuses. Moreover, markedly increased liability to viral and bacterial infections was observed in pups of dams irradiated for the whole period of gestation with thermal doses of microwaves. No such effects were found following exposure of pregnant mice to 10 mW/cm2 power density of irradiation.
These data suggest that the observed effects of microwave exposure in the course of pregnancy in mice are thermal in nature.


