この研究は、オスのLACAマウスを用いて、マイクロ波ばく露が中枢神経系に与える影響を調べた。入射電力密度5 mW / cm2の3000MHzマイクロ波ばく露を、1日1時間、7日間、マウス(n = 12)に与えた。その結果、対照群と比較して、ばく露群では、左右のcentral concatenated electrodes(チャンネル3および4)での脳波の総エネルギーおよびピークエネネルギーの有意な抑制的影響が観察された(それぞれp < 0.05およびp < 0.01);脳内のアデノシン三リン酸(ATP)ならびに視床下部および海馬内のコハク酸デヒドロゲナーゼ(SDH)の量が、対照群と比較してばく露群において有意に減少した(p < 0.05)、と報告している。
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To explore the mechanism of the neurasthenic syndrome elicited from microwave exposure, changes of electroencephalic energy and mitochondrial marker enzymes (succinate dehydrogenase) in mouse brain after microwave exposure with 3000 MHz were studied.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
3 GHz
1 h/day for 7 days
Significant inhibitory effects were observed on total and peak electroencephalic energy as compared to the control. It was also discovered that the ATP in the brain and the amounts of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) in the hypothalamus and hippocampus were reduced significantly in the exposure group as compared to the control. The mechanism might be as follows: the decrease SDH causes the decrease in ATP. A lower ATP possibly results in lower electroencephalic energy. It is thus suggested that the effects of microwave exposure on CNS are relevant to electroencephalic energy. It is concluded that the neurasthenic syndrome after microwave exposure probably is due to a decrease in electroencephalic energy.