研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[2450 MHzマイクロ波へ長期的にばく露した妊娠ラットにおける催奇形性の可能性の評価:その2 出生後の心理生理学的評価] med./bio.

An evaluation of the teratogenic potential of protracted exposure of pregnant rats to 2450-MHz microwave radiation. II. Postnatal psychophysiologic analysis

掲載誌: J Toxicol Environ Health 1983; 11 (1): 37-59
Journal partially peer-reviewed/peer-review process unclear

この研究は、ラットを用い、電力密度20 mW / cm 2のレベルでの2450 MHzマイクロ波への出生前ばく露により出生後の成長と心理生理学的発達が有意に変化するか否かを調べた。75匹の妊娠ラットを、ばく露群(n = 12)、擬似ばく露群(n = 4)、環境対照群(n = 59)に分けた。出産させた母ラット(n = 45)から得た新生仔は、3日齢から87日齢まで毎週、検査、体重測定した。新生仔反射試験(surface righting, air righting, auditory startle, visual placing)を出生3日目に開始し、開眼も観察した。離乳から10日後に母ラットは再交配させられ、第2世代の新生仔は形態学的評価に供された。第1世代の新生仔は、60日齢で行動試験(T字水迷路条件付け回避反応、オープンフィールド、活動ホイール、前肢懸垂、および水泳)を開始し、 90日齢で交配(群内、群間)させられ、その子孫は形態学催奇形性分析に供された。全ての動物から、代表的組織試料を収集し、脳、肝臓腎臓、および生殖腺の重量を測定した。その結果、新生仔の生理学的試験または反射試験の結果、体重に対する臓器の重量比、または成獣になっての繁殖の結果において、奇形など有意な変化はなかった; 6つの成獣行動試験のうち5つに有意な変化はなかった;活動性のみ、ばく露群の方が対照群より活動的であった、と報告している。

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To study whether protracted prenatal exposure of rats to 2450 MHz microwave irradiation at a power density level of 20 mW/cm², which did not cause an overt increase in maternal body temperature, would significantly alter postnatal growth and psychophysiologic development.


Of 75 pregnant rats, 12 animals were exposed to microwave irradiation, four rats were sham exposed, and 59 served as control animals. The neonates were examined and weighed on day three and weekly thereafter until 87 days of age. Neonatal reflex tests were initiated as early as day three. One physiologic parameter, eye opening, was also observed. Mothers were rebred ten days after weaning and a morphological evaluation was completed on the second litter. Behavioral tests were begun at 60 d of age. At 90 days of age offspring were bred within and across groups, and a morphological teratologic analyses was completed on the offspring. Tissue samples were collected and organ weights were recorded of all animals.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 2.45 GHz
ばく露時間: continuous, 6 h/day through gestation

General information

The female pregnant rats (n=75) were divided in three groups: Group 1: n=12 exposed to microwave radiation, Group 2: n=4 sham-exposed, Group 3: n=59 environmental control


周波数 2.45 GHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous, 6 h/day through gestation
Additional information In this report, exposure and measurement are not described in detail, but reference is made to the first part of the study (Jensh et al. 1983).
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電力密度 20 mW/cm² - - - -

Reference articles

  • Jensh RP et al. (1983): [2450 MHzマイクロ波へ長期的にばく露した妊娠ラットにおける催奇形性の可能性の評価:その1 分娩時の形態学的分析]


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • 生殖
  • 脳/腫瘍
  • eye, liver, kidneys, gonads, ovary, testis
  • ばく露中
  • ばく露後


The findings indicated that there were no significant malformations or significant alterations in the neonatal physiologic or reflex test results, body/organ weight ratios, or breeding results in the adult offspring. There were no significant changes in five of the six adult behavioral tests, but exposed offspring was significantly more active than control offspring.
These findings are indicative of possible irradiation-induced behavioral changes. Further investigations are needed to explore the possibility of microwave exposure-related changes in animal behavior.


