この研究は、性成熟期に受けた携帯電話放射によりラットの精巣組織に生じる影響の有無を調べた。SD雄ラットを6匹ずつのばく露群と擬似ばく露群に分け、ばく露(擬似ばく露)は、ラットを入れた木製のケージ(10.16×5.08×2.54 cm3)内に市販の携帯電話(217Hz変調の890-915 MHz;出力2W;通話モード)を置いて、1日1時間、45日間行った(擬似ばく露は電源オフ)。全身平均SARは0.48 W/kgと計算されたと述べている。その結果、精巣の組織標本の諸検査では、ばく露群と擬似ばく露群で差異がなかった;ばく露群の精巣の間質結合組織および細胞の形態は正常であった;精子形成周期を含め、精細管の組織学的観察で異常は見られなかった、と報告している。
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To evaluate the effects of radiofrequency exposure emitted by a mobile phone on the testes of of rats during the pubertal development.
For this study, 6 rats were exposed and 6 rats were sham exposed.
周波数 | 890–915 MHz |
タイプ |
波形 |
ばく露時間 | 1 h/day for 45 consecutive days |
Modulation type | pulsed |
Repetition frequency | 217 Hz |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
チャンバの詳細 | mobile phone in talking mode was kept in a wooden cage sized 10.16 cm * 5.08 cm * 2.54 cm, rats were free to move in this cage during the exposure period |
ばく露装置の詳細 | exposed animals and control animals were brought back to the home room following exposure/sham exposure |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Additional information | Control animals were exposed to a mobile phone without battery in a similarly sized cage for the same period in a separate, similar room |
The histopathological examination of the testes revealed no significant differences between the exposed and the sham exposed rats. Additionally, no significant changes regarding apoptosis, cell proliferation, weight, length and width of testes and the blood parameters occurred.
The authors conclude that radiofrequency exposure emitted by a mobile phone has no deleterious effect on the testes of rats during the pubertal development.