この研究は、ヒメリンゴマイマイ(Helix aspersa)のニューロン対に低レベルの超低周波交番磁界(AMF;50 Hz、0.2 - 150ガウス)のばく露を与えた時に観察される交番磁界に依存する周波数同期(AMFS)の放電パターンの詳細を調べ、以下の3つの現象との比較を行なった;i)グルタミン酸塩およびアセチルコリンによって促進されるシナプス活動、ii)カフェインによって誘発されるシナプス活動、 iii)電気的シナプスによって相互接続されたニューロンに誘発される生体電気活動。まず、AMFS活動は、以下のいくつか特定の特徴をもつことが示されている。それは、i)放電のパターンと印加磁界の周波数fとが時間的に厳密に一致する、 ii)印加磁界の時間間隔で誘発される、iii)正弦波印加磁界の強度に依存する、iv)誘発された二相性応答(興奮とそれに続く抑制)は、ニューロン対において同時並行で生じる、 v)ニューロン対は、さらに強い磁界の印加により、自発的またはAMF同期的に非同期化される可能性をもつ、である。今回の比較検討の結果、電子顕微鏡的観察で、Helixニューロンのギャップ様接合部が明らかになり、このことで、ヘリックスニューロンの4.7 %においてコネキシン26(Cx26)発現を示した免疫細胞化学的データが再確認された;AMFおよびカルベノキソロンは、電気的シナプスを介した自発的同期に有意な影響を与えなかった、と報告している。
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To examine the effect of weak alternating magnetic fields on the synchronization dynamics of pairs of snail neurons.
The neurons were dissected from the ganglion of Helix aspersa. 16 sets of neuron pairs were examined. Different sets of experiments were performed:
1.) Electrophysiological recordings: Measuring the neuronal activity while a magnetic field ranging between 1 mT and 15 mT was applied. The magnetic flux density was increased stepwise in 0.05 mT intervals. Additional measurements were performed in the range from 0.02 mT to 2 mT.
2.) Synaptic activity: The magnetic field dependent neuronal activities were compared with the synaptic activity promoted by glutamate and acetylcholine (to investigate the neurotransmitter mediated reaction and the involvement of chemical synapses) and the activity induced by caffeine (increases the intracellular level of Ca2+ (to investigate the calcium mediated reaction)).
3.) Gap junction inhibition: The effect of 0.1, 10 and 100 µM carbenoxolone (blocks gap junctions) was tested under applied magnetic fields to examine the involvement of elctric synapses.
周波数 | 50 Hz |
タイプ |
波形 |
ばく露時間 | each magnetic flux intensity applied for 15 s with 1 min intervals |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
ばく露装置の詳細 | pair of Helmholtz coils with a diameter of 11 cm, separated by 5.5 cm producing a highly homogeneous field oriented in east-west direction in respect to the brain ganglia (in this direction the measured horizontal component of the magnetic field was ± 0,00 mT; samples placed between the coils; bath temperature was 21°C -23°C, but did not change due to magnetic field exposure (accuray of thermometer ± 0.2°C); exposure setup placed within a Faraday cage |
Under the application of the magnetic field, the existence of a firing bioelectric frequency synchronization was shown in 27% of the tested neuron pairs. The bioelectric frequency synchronization appears at certain magnetic field intensities, dependent on the neuron pair. At higher magnetic flux densities, some of the synchronized neuron pairs become desynchronized.
The firing rate of the neuron pairs was decreased by the magnetic field exposure. This effect was also observed when caffeine and glutamate were added, but not with acetylcholine. This indicates that the magnetic field led to a release of calcium ions in the cytosol of the neurons.
The co-exposure to the magnetic field and carbenoxolone was not able to modify the synchronization.