研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[GSM携帯電話シミュレータによるマイクロ波放射ばく露後のマウスおよびラットでの致死量ガンマ線への抵抗性上昇] med./bio.

Increased Radioresistance to Lethal Doses of Gamma Rays in Mice and Rats after Exposure to Microwave Radiation Emitted by a GSM Mobile Phone Simulator

掲載誌: Dose Response 2013; 11 (2): 281-292

この研究は、マイクロ波の事前ばく露によるガンマ線への適応応答の誘導について調べた。第1期実験では、110匹のBalb/c雄マウスを13-15匹ずつの8群に分けた;事前のAdapting Dose(AD)ばく露として、第1、8群(無処置:対照)、第2、5群(1日6時間のマイクロ波ばく露MW)、第3、6群(1日18時間の低線量率ガンマ線ばく露:LDRG:総ばく露線量は234 mSv)、第3、7群(MW+LDRGばく露)を5日間与えた後、第1-4群はそのまま放置、第5-8群は6日目に高線量ばく露(Callenge dose)として致死量ガンマ線(8.8Gy:線量率48.54 cGy/minで約18.13分間)を与えた。第2期実験では、30匹のWister雄ラットを15匹ずつの2群に分け、第1群はADとして1日6時間のマイクロ波ばくろを4日間与え、第2群は事前のADなしで、5日目に両群に致死量ガンマ線(8Gy:線量率54.68 cGy/minで14.63分間)の全身ばく露を与えた。マイクロ波ばく露には携帯電話信号シミュレータを用いた。217Hz変調GSM信号にアンテナ出力2Wでアンテナと頭部の距離10cmでばく露したと述べている。その結果、第1期実験では、ADなし群と、ADとしてMW、LDRG、MW+LDRGを与えられた各群との間には、致死量ガンマ線ばく露の対する生存率に有意差が見られた;同様に、第2期実験でも、マイクロ波による適応応答を示すような、両群の生存率の有意差が見られた、と報告している。

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To examine whether an adaptive response can be induced in mice and rats which were pre-exposed to microwaves in order to increase the resistance to lethal doses of gamma rays (challenge dose).


Adaptive response: It is known that different cell types that were exposed to an extremely small adaptation dose of a genotoxic agent are less susceptible to the induction of a genetic damage when given a higher challenge dose of the same or similar genotoxic agent.
Two experiments were performed. In the first experiment, 110 mice were divided into 8 groups (13-15 mice per group) and received different combinations of exposure to microwaves (MW) as an adaptive dose, low dose gamma radiation (LDGR) as an adaptive dose and lethal dose gamma radiation (LD) as a challenge dose: 1.) control group,2.) MW, 3.) LDGR, 4.) MW, LDGR, 5.) MW, LD, 6.) LDGR, LD, 7.) MW, LDGR, LD and 8.) LD. In the second experiment, 30 rats were divided into 2 groups (15 rats per group): 1.) 1.) MW, LD (8 Gy) and 2.) LD (8 Gy).



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 900 MHz
Modulation type: pulsed
ばく露時間: mice: 6 h/day for 5 days; rats: 6 h/day for 6 days (or 4 days?, contradictory information)


周波数 900 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 mice: 6 h/day for 5 days; rats: 6 h/day for 6 days (or 4 days?, contradictory information)
Modulation type pulsed
Pulse width 463 µs
Duty cycle 12.5 %
Repetition frequency 217 Hz
  • GSM mobile phone simulator
Distance between exposed object and exposure source 10 cm
チャンバの詳細 animals were immobilized in plastic restrainers
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電力 2 W - - - -


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


In the first experiment, mice were examined after 6 [12] days. The survival rate of the mice in the control group (group 1) was 95 % [95%] and hence identical with the survival rate of microwave exposed mice (group 2). Mice exposed to LDGR (group 3) had a survival rate of 85 % [85 %], while 100 % [100 %] of the mice survived that were exposed to a combination of microwaves and LDGR (group 4). The survival rate of mice which were exposed to microwaves and LD (group 5) was 80 % [60 %] and of mice which were exposed to LDGR and LD (group 6) it was 90 % [90 %], while 90 % [80 %] of the mice survived that were exposed to microwaves, LDGR and LD (group 7). Mice not pre-treated and directly exposed to LD (group 8) had a survival rate of 60 % [10 %].
In the second experiment, rats were examined after 10 [20; 30] days. In rats pre-exposed to microwaves before LD, a survival rate of 100 % [100 %; 100 %] was observed, whereas in rats not pre-treated and directly exposed to LD the survival rate was 100 % [86.6 %; 53.3 %].
The authors conclude that exposure of mice and rats to microwaves could induce an adaptive response to a lethal dose of gamma radiation.


