研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[ELF電磁界へのばく露は胸部の脊髄を半切した成獣ラットにおける感覚運動機能の回復を促進する] med./bio.

Exposure to ELF- magnetic field promotes restoration of sensori-motor functions in adult rats with hemisection of thoracic spinal cord

掲載誌: Electromagn Biol Med 2012; 31 (3): 180-194

この研究は、脊髄損傷モデルとして、第13胸髄左側の半切除術を施した脊髄半切損傷(hSCI)ラットの感覚運動機能・運動機能に対する50 Hz、低レベル(17.96 μT)磁界の影響を調べた。成獣のWister系雄ラットのhSCI群(10匹;擬似ばく露)とhSCI + MF群(10匹;磁界ばく露1日2時間を術後1日目から6 週間)に、運動機能テスト(BBBスコア)、感覚運動テスト(逃尾潜時TFL、逃尾閾値TTF、単純発声閾値TSV、膀胱制御、H反射による神経興奮性記録)をばく露期間中一定間隔で行った。その結果、hSCI + MF群は擬似ばく露群を上回る有意な回復が、BBB(hSCI術後2週間から)、TFL(同1週間から)、TTF(同3週間から)で見られた;TSVの回復は術後5週間で見られた;H反射閾値は、両群とも反対側に対し障害側で低下した;完全な膀胱制御の回復はhSCI + MF群では術後4日目に見られたのに対し、擬似ばく露群では7日目であった、など磁界ばく露が感覚運動機能の回復を促進するという知見を報告している。

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The effects of chronic exposure of rats with hemisection of the thoracic spinal cord on the restoration of sensory-motor functions should be investigated.


Rats were divided into 2 groups (n=10 each): 1) rats with hemisection of thoracic spinal cord and exposure to the magnetic field and 2) rats with hemisection of thoracic spinal cord and sham exposure.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 50 Hz
ばく露時間: continuous for 2 h/day for 6 weeks, starting on day 1 after surgery


周波数 50 Hz
  • magnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 2 h/day for 6 weeks, starting on day 1 after surgery
チャンバの詳細 non-metallic cage
ばく露装置の詳細 six rats placed in a cage in the center of a Helmholtz coil system; coil system consisting of 2 outer and 2 inner coils (diameter of 1000 mm) with 18 and 8 turns of wire; coils connected in series
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 17.96 µT - 測定値 - -

Reference articles

  • Rakesh RM et al. (2008): [磁界(50Hz、17.9μT)に慢性ばく露したラットにおける痛覚閾値:スクロース摂取の影響]
  • Kirschvink JL (1992): [均一磁界とダブル巻きコイルシステム:生体電磁気実験のための設計改善技術]


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露前
  • ばく露中
  • ばく露後


The food intake was significantly higher in rats exposed to the magnetic field in weeks 5 and 6 compared to sham exposed rats.
The motorial functions were significantly improved in the exposure group from week 2 on compared to the sham exposure group.
Nociception was significantly improved in the exposure group compared to the sham exposure group from week 3 on.
The urinary bladder control was significantly better in the exposure group from days 4 to 6 compared to the sham exposure group, with a complete restoration of function from day 5 on. On day 7, the urinary bladder function was restored completely in both groups.
The H-reflex amplitude was significantly reduced in the exposure group compared to the sham exposure group.
The authors conclude that chronic exposure of rats with hemisection of the thoracic spinal cord might improve the restoration of sensory-motor functions.


