この研究は、DNA変性に対する熱の影響について、マイクロ波(2.45GHz、連続波)を用いた加熱法と水槽での加熱法による影響の違いを調べた。マイクロ波ばく露の電力密度とばく露中の温度は、225mW /cm²(50℃)、940 W / m2(37℃)、134 mW /cm²(37°C)、118mW /cm²(40℃)、158mW / cm2(45℃)であった。その結果、熱変性曲線の比較によれば、DNAの2次構造に対するマイクロ波の影響は、熱の効果以外はほとんどないことを示した、と報告している。
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To determine if there are any differential effects produced by heating with microwave radiation compared to heating in a water bath on denaturation of DNA.
周波数 | 2.45 GHz |
タイプ |
波形 |
ばく露時間 | see additional information. |
Modulation type | CW |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
ばく露装置の詳細 | 30 ml plastic tissue culture flask mounted on a styrofoam support which was surrounded by large panels (7 ft high) of microwave absorber. |
Additional information | Exposurte time: a) continous for 16 hr at 37°C in a sodium citrate buffer, b) 16 hrs at 37°C in a solution containing formaldhyde, c) 1 hr at > 37°C in a solution containing formaldehyde. |
The experiments show that 2450 MHz (2.45 GHz) CW microwave irradiation under the exposure conditions employed has very little if any effect other than the effect of thermal heating on the secondary structure of DNA as determined by comparison of thermal denaturation curves.