この研究は、携帯電話から発せられる電磁界へのばく露が鼓膜温度に影響を及ぼすかどうかを確認するため、10人の健康な若い男性(22.1±4.7歳)に対して、携帯電話のマイクロ波(周波数900MHz、SAR=1.23W/kg)にばく露し、携帯電話に接する耳と反対側の耳の内部の耳管膜の直近に置いたサーミスタ・プローブで鼓膜温度(T(ty))を10秒ごとにモニタした。被験者は、日を変えて、1) 60分間連続×2回の擬似ばく露、2) 真のばく露と擬似ばく露(両方とも60分間連続)3) 間欠的ばく露(15分間オンとオフをそれぞれ4回)のセッションに無作為に決められた実験順と二重ブラインド法で参加した。その結果、連続ばく露中のT(ty)の平均値は擬似ばく露中よりも有意に高かった(p=0.0001);間欠ばく露中の温度は擬似ばく露中よりも低かった(差は最大で0.11℃);それぞれの実験後1時間以内のT(ty)は、擬似ばく露後に比べ、連続ばく露後は0.03℃高くなり、間欠ばく露後は0.18℃低くなった;実験後2時間のT(ty)は擬似ばく露後に比べ、連続ばく露後は有意に低かった(p=0.0001;それぞれ0.26℃、0.06℃)、などの所見を報告している。
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To study if exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones influenced the tympanic temperature.
10 healthy young men were examined before, during and after the following three conditions: 1.) 2 x 60 min of sham exposure, 2.) continuous, 60 min exposure and 60 min sham exposure, 3.) intermittent exposure.
周波数 | 900 MHz |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 60 min |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | mobile phone mounted on a stand; subject had to keep the head close to the phone |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
SAR | 1.23 W/kg | - | - | 1 g | - |
周波数 | 900 MHz |
ばく露時間 | intermittent for 120 min. (4 x 15 min "on", 4 x 15 min "out") |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
SAR | 1.23 W/kg | - | - | 1 g | - |
The mean tympanic temperature in the whole group during continuous exposure was significantly higher (0.02°C) than during sham exposure. During intermittent exposure the temperature was lower than during sham exposure (difference was up to 0.11°C). Within an hour after continuous exposure, tympanic temperature was higher by 0.03°C and after intermittent exposure it was lower by 0.18°C in comparison with sham exposure. Two hours after exposure, the tympanic temperature was lower than after sham exposure (0.06°C and 0.26°C, respectively).
In conclusion, the data indicate that the physiological response to electromagnetic field exposure from the mobile phone was related to type of exposure (continuous or intermittent).