この研究は、ヒトの認知・行動タスクの成績および鼓膜温に対する電磁界(EMF)の影響の時間的経過を調べた。20人の健康な被験者を無作為に2群に分け、二重ブラインド法で、一方は、タスク試験の前に902.40MHz EMF にばく露し、他方は、タスク試験のデータ収集中に同じ信号にばく露した。実施した4種のタスクは、聴覚的単純反応時間試験、視覚的探索試験、引き算タスク、聴覚的選択反応時間タスクである。タスクセッション中に5回、鼓膜温を測定した。その結果、ばく露環境下では、単純反応時間および選択反応時間の両方の成績が改善され、ばく露を受けた部位の温度上昇が確認された;このような影響が表れるまでには最短でも25分間のEMFばく露が必要であった、と報告している。
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To test the existence of a time-course of the effects of electromagnetic fields on psycho-motor (reaction times) and cognitive performance (visual search and arithmetic subtraction), and on the tympanic temperature of human subjects.
Every subject was submitted to three sessions in counterbalanced order: a baseline, a real, and a sham exposure session with at least 48 h between tests, following a double-blind paradigm.
周波数 | 902.4 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 45 min |
Additional information | International Electrotechnical Commission. Procedure to measure the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for hand-held mobile wireless devices in the frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz. IEC 106/49/Committee Draft, 2002. |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Distance between exposed object and exposure source | 1.5 cm |
ばく露装置の詳細 | The mobile phone was held by means of a helmet in the classical use position at a distance of 1.5 cm from the left ear. A second but inactive phone was positioned on the right side of the head in order to balance the weight. During the baseline session, subjects wore only the helmet without the mobile phones. |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Additional information | Every session consisted of a 45 min prerecording period, followed by 45 min of data recording. Subjects were randomly assigned to two groups being exposed before the testing session or during the data collecting session itself. |
Data indicated an improvement of both simple- and choice-reaction times and an increase of local temperature on the exposed region under the active exposure. There was a clear time-course of the reaction time and temperature data, indicating that performance and physiological measures need a minimum of 25 min of electromagnetic field irradiation to show appreciable changes.