この研究は、70日齢の雄ラットの生殖能力パターンに対する10 GHzマイクロ波放射の影響を調べた。ラットを擬似ばく露群とばく露群に分け、比吸収率0.014 W/kg、出力密度0.21 mW/cm2のマイクロ波を、1日2時間、45日間連続して与えた。その結果、擬似ばく露群に比べ、ばく露群グループでは、活性酸素種、ヒストンキナーゼ、アポトーシス細胞、細胞周期におけるG2/M移行期の割合に有意なレベル変化が示されたと報告している。
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To assess the effect of microwave exposure on male fertility of rats, reactive oxygen species content, histone kinase enzyme activity, apoptotic cell number, and cell cycle distribution were investigated in sperm samples of rats exposed to 10 GHz microwaves.
12 rats were divided into one exposure group (n=6) and one sham exposed group (n=6).
The data showed significant changes in the level of reactive oxygen species (increase), histone kinase enzyme activity (decrease), apoptotic cells (increase), and percentage of G2 phase/mitosis phase cells (decrease) of cell cycle in the exposed group compared with the sham exposed group.
The authors conclude that there is a significant effect of microwave exposure on reproductive parameters in male rats.