この研究は、創傷の治療に用いられている電気刺激(ES)の効果を評価するための新しい細胞アッセイ系を開発した。そのシステムを用いて、正常およびケロイドのヒト皮膚線維芽細胞のコラーゲン発現に対する、正確に定義されたさまざまなタイプのESの効果を試験した。ケロイド線維芽細胞は、過剰なコラーゲン産生を示すため、研究の対象とした。両方のタイプの線維芽細胞へのESには、交流(AC)、直流(DC)、または縮退波(DW)が試された。ACおよびDWの周波数は10または60 Hz、どのタイプでも、電界強度は20、75、150 mV / mm、ばく露時間は連続で1、4、8、12時間とした。その結果、低く目の電界強度では、両方の細胞タイプで、すべてのタイプのESは、対照群に比べ、コラーゲンIを増加させた;より高い電界強度(150 mV / mm)および周波数(60Hz)では、1) DWが、ケロイド線維芽細胞のコラーゲンIを最も大きく減少させる一方、正常な線維芽細胞に対する細胞毒性効果はACおよびDCに比べ有意に低かった、2) 両方の細胞タイプで、12時間のDWおよびAC刺激は、対照群に比べ、コラーゲンI発現を有意に減少させた;対照的に、より高い電界強度のDC刺激は、両方の細胞タイプで、コラーゲンIおよびPAI-1遺伝子転写を増加させるとともに、細胞毒性効果も大きくなった;総括すると、開発した前臨床アッセイシステムは、特定のタイプのESが、ヒト線維芽細胞のコラーゲン発現と細胞毒性に対し、大きく異なる効果を与えることを明らかにした、と報告している。
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A new in vitro model system was developed for testing the effects of precisely defined, different types of electrical stimulation on the collagen expression of normal and keloid human skin fibroblasts (keloid fibroblasts show excessive collagen production).
Electrical stimulation is used for the treatment of wounds and has been shown to alter gene expression and protein synthesis in skin fibroblasts in vitro.
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
チャンバの詳細 | 44 mm x 13 mm x 11 mm exposure chamber made of a rectangular glass Petri dish covered on the inside with silicone resin; two 10 mm diameter holes for the agar bridges drilled into the glass cover lid of the Petri dish; current conducted into the chamber through Ag-AgCl electrodes inserted in synthetic rubber, agar bridges filled with Steinberg's saline gelled with 1% agar |
ばく露装置の詳細 | six 11 mm x 25 mm slides made of microscopic cover slips placed in this chamber |
周波数 |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 1, 4, 8 or 12 h |
Additional information | DC stimulation |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | inverted U-shaped agar bridges conducted the current from silver electrode-dipped Steinberg's saline solution into the exposure chamber |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Apoptosis was increased by DC stimulation (field 2) at higher and lower electric fields when compared to all other wave forms. At 1500 mV/cm and 60 Hz, keloid fibroblasts exposed to degenerate electrical waves stimulation (field 3) underwent higher level of apoptosis than by AC stimulation (field 1). Degenerate electrical waves were the least cytotoxic to normal fibroblasts when compared to all other stimulations.
At lower electric field frequency (10 Hz), all types of electrical stimulation upregulated collagen I gene expression in both cell types compared to controls. However, at higher electric field strength (1500 mV/cm) and frequency (60Hz), degenerate electrical waves maximally downregulated collagen I in keloid fibroblasts.
Additionally, data of ELISA showed a decreased protein expression of collagen I in keloid fibroblasts at 750 mV/cm and 60 Hz.
The data of immunocytochemistry showed for both normal skin and keloid fibroblasts a significant decrease in collagen I expression after 12 h of degenerate electrical waves and AC stimulation compared to unstimulated cells (controls). In contrast, increasing amplitude of DC stimulation upregulated collagen I and PAI-1 gene expression in normal and keloid fibroblasts, along with increased cytotoxicity.
Thus, this new preclinical assay system showed highly differential effects of specific types of electrical stimulation on human fibroblast collagen expression and cytotoxicity and identified degenerate electrical waves as a promising, novel therapeutic strategy for suppressing excessive collagen I formation in keloid disease.