研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[酸化窒素周波数のテラヘルツ電磁放射影響下のアルビノラットでの血小板機能障害の変化の性別による差] med./bio.

Sex-specific differences in changes of disturbed functional activity of platelets in albino rats under the effect of terahertz electromagnetic radiation at nitric oxide frequencies

掲載誌: Bull Exp Biol Med 2008; 145 (1): 75-77

この研究は、急性の身体固定ストレスを受けたラットにおいて、テラヘルツ帯(150.176 -150.664 GHz)の電磁放射に対する血小板の応答を調べた。この周波数帯は、一酸化窒素NOの吸収スペクトルに対応する。NOには血小板凝集を抑制する働きがあることを考慮に入れたと著者は述べている。アルビノラットを仰臥位で3時間固定することにより、固定ストレス誘発した。60匹の雄ラット、60匹の雌の発情ラット、および60匹の雌の非発情ラットを用いた。動物は、1)対照、2)固定ストレス群、3)固定ストレス+15分間の電磁放射群、および4)固定ストレス+30分間の電磁放射群である。その結果、テラヘルツ波の影響は性別によって異なった;雌の方が雄よりもテラヘルツ波に敏感であった;テラヘルツ波と雌の発情期との関係が観察され、発情期の雌がテラヘルツ波に対して最大の感受性を示した、と報告している。

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To examine the characteristic features of platelet reaction to microwave exposure (150.176 - 150.664 GHz) in rats exposed to acute immobilization stress.


Microwaves of the frequencies 150.176 to 150.664 GHz correspond to frequencies of the molecular radiation and absorption spectrum of nitric oxide. One of the features of nitric oxide is the inhibition of platelet aggregation which occurs as a reaction to stress.
In this study, immobilization stress was induced by fixation of the animals in the supine posture for 3 hours. 60 male rats, 60 female estrus rats, and 60 female diestrus rats were investigated. The animals were divided into following groups: 1) control, 2) stressed animals, 3) stressed animals exposed to microwaves for 15 min, and 4) stressed animals exposed to microwaves for 30 min.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 150.176–150.664 GHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 15 min. or 30 min.

General information

animals were treated in four groups: i) control ii) 3 hr immobilization iii) 3 hr immobilization + 15 min EMF exposure iv) 3 hr immobilization + 30 min EMF exposure


周波数 150.176–150.664 GHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 15 min. or 30 min.
  • KVCh-NO generator

No parameters are specified for this exposure.


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


Functional activity in platelets was increased in rats of both sexes in a state of acute immobilization stress. Exposure of stressed animals to microwaves in the nitric oxide frequency band restored the impaired platelet aggregation activity. Female rats were more sensitive and gained complete recovery of platelet aggregation after 15 min exposure whereas in male rats complete recovery was observed only after 30 min exposure. 30 min exposure led in stressed diestrus rats to complete recovery whereas a reduced functional activity of platelets was observed in stressed estrus rats.
The authors concluded that female rats were more sensitive to the microwave exposure than male rats. Furthermore, a relationship between exposure and phase of estrous cycle was found: estrus female rats exhibited maximum sensitivity to microwave exposure.

