この研究は、マイクロ波(2.45GHz、120Hz振幅変調、電力密度は0.1から55mW / cm 2)のばく露を受けたラットにおける熱安定性血清酵素を調べた。検査は、1回の4時間ばく露の24時間後、または3回および10回のばく露の直後に実施した。別の、バルビツレート麻酔したラット(n = 5)では、マイクロ波ばく露による結腸温度を41.5℃で30分間安定させた。結果として、ばく露群では、アルカリホスファターゼおよび乳酸デヒドロゲナーゼは増加しなかった;ばく露から24時間後の41.5℃群では、血清グルタミン酸ピルビン酸トランスアミナーゼ(GPT)およびグルタミン酸オキザロ酢酸トランスアミナーゼ(GOT)の増加が認められた;これらのデータに基づき、マイクロ波ばく露後の急性細胞傷害の閾値について、全身平均SAR14W / kg(2.45GHzで70mW / cm 2)で4時間と推定した、と報告している。
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Serum enzymes were studied in exposed rats as indicators for microwave-induced injury to internal organs.
Three different time exposure patterns were studied: a single 4 h exposure, three 4 h exposures with 3 h interval, and ten 4 h exposures with 3 h interval. In addition, the effect of a colonic temperature at 41.5°C for 30 min caused by microwave exposure was investigated.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
2.45 GHz
Modulation type:
continuous for 4 hr
2.45 GHz
Modulation type:
continuous for 3 times 4 hr
2.45 GHz
Modulation type:
continuous for 10 times 4 hr
2.45 GHz
Modulation type:
until colonic temperature had risen to 41.5°C + 30 min
周波数 | 2.45 GHz |
タイプ |
特性 |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 4 hr |
Modulation type | AM |
Modulation frequency | 120 Hz |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
Distance between exposed object and exposure source | 1.6 m |
ばく露装置の詳細 | horn antenna mounted overhead of the 20 cm x 20 cm x 30 cm styrofoam cages |
周波数 | 2.45 GHz |
タイプ |
特性 |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 3 times 4 hr |
Modulation type | AM |
Modulation frequency | 120 Hz |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Distance between exposed object and exposure source | 1.6 m |
周波数 | 2.45 GHz |
タイプ |
特性 |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 10 times 4 hr |
Modulation type | AM |
Modulation frequency | 120 Hz |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Distance between exposed object and exposure source | 1.6 m |
周波数 | 2.45 GHz |
タイプ |
特性 |
ばく露時間 | until colonic temperature had risen to 41.5°C + 30 min |
Modulation type | AM |
Modulation frequency | 120 Hz |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Distance between exposed object and exposure source | 1.6 m |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
SAR | 11.8 W/kg | - | 測定値 | whole body | rats exposed individually |
SAR | 12.22 W/kg | - | 測定値 | whole body | 4 rats exposed simultaneously |
電力密度 | 40 mW/cm² | - | - | - | during the 30 min temperture maintenance |
電力密度 | 60 mW/cm² | - | - | - | during the 30 min temperture maintenance |
電力密度 | 100 mW/cm² | - | - | - | during the rise of the colonic temperture |
The different microwave exposures did not induce changes in serum enzyme activity. These negative results prevented the authors from drawing any conclusion concerning the responsivness of serum enzymes to microwave exposures. On the other hand, a tentative threshold colonic temperature of 41.5°C for cellular injury could be demonstrated. The increased serum activity of glutamic-pyruvic transaminase and glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase can be a sign of a liver injury.