この研究は、1800 MHz GSM様の無線周波電磁放射(RFR)が、妊娠中の成獣ウサギの蝸牛機能に与える影響を歪成分耳音響放射(DPOAE)測定によって評価した。18ヶ月齢の、妊娠または非妊娠中のニュージーランドホワイトウサギを用いた。妊娠ウサギ18匹と非妊娠ウサギ18匹をそれぞれ9匹ずつのばく露群と対照群に無差別に分けた。それぞれのばく露群は、1800 MHz GSM様のRFRへの毎日15分間のばく露を7日間受けた。蝸牛機能は、1.0 - 8.0kHzのDPOAEで評価した。その結果、妊娠ウサギでは、2.0 kHzを除き、DPOAEの振幅にばく露群と対照群で差がなかった;非妊娠ウサギでは、対照群に比べ、ばく露群での1.0 - 4.0 kHzでのDPOAE振幅が大きかった;ばく露群同士で比べると、妊娠ウサギの方が、非妊娠ウサギに比べ、RFRの影響が小さかった、と報告している。
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To study the effects of 1800 MHz GSM-like radiofrequency exposure on the cochlear functions of pregnant adult rabbits.
18 pregnant (day 15-22 of gestation) and 18 non-pregnant rabbits were divided into four groups: 1) Nine pregnant not exposed animals, 2) nine pregnant exposed rabbits, 3) nine non-pregnant not-exposed rabbits, and 4) nine non-pregnant exposed animals.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
1,800 MHz
Modulation type:
continuous for 15 min/day on 7 days
animals were divided into four groups: i)pregnant rabbits not exposed ii) pregnant rabbits exposed iii) non-pregnant rabbits not exposed iv) non-pregnant rabbits exposed
DPOAE amplitudes were not different for exposed and not exposed pregnant animals except for 2.0 kHz (decreased in exposed animals). In group 4 (non-pregnant, exposed), DPOAE amplitudes at 1.0-4.0 kHz were lower than in group 3 (non-pregnant, not exposed rabbits). In the pregnant group, harmful effects of GSM-like radiofrequency exposure were less present than in the non-pregnant group. During pregnancy increased inner ear volume may help to reduce the damage.
The authors conclude that GSM-like radiofrequency exposure caused decreases in DPOAE amplitudes mainly in non-pregnant adult rabbits. Prolonged exposure may affect the DPOAE amplitude.