この研究は、ラットでの味覚嫌悪条件付け手法を利用して、高磁界ばく露の影響を調べた。ある味覚溶液を条件刺激(CS)として用い、CSの摂取後に不快な経験(無条件刺激(US))を与えると、その後、ラットはその味覚溶液を提示されても、摂取を回避する。この研究では、1リットル当たりグルコース3.0gとサッカリン1.25gを含む溶液(G + S)をCS、9.4-T磁石をUSに用いて、条件付けを行った。実験1では、全てのラットに、G + S溶液を10分間提供した後、30分間の磁界ばく露(n = 8)、30分間の擬似ばく露(n = 8)、 無ばく露対照(n = 8)のいずれかの処置を行った。その結果、磁界ばく露群は、提示試験の第一日目に味覚嫌悪反応を示した(p <0.05)。実験2では、同じUS-CSプロトコルで3日間連続で条件付けした。その結果、磁界ばく露群は、ばく露後の提示試験1〜8日目において味覚嫌悪反応を示した(p <0.01)。いずれの実験においても、擬似ばく露群と対照群との間に差はなかった;二つの実験から、ラットがG + S溶液を高磁界ばく露の経験と関連させ、その後の提示で溶液を回避したことが明確に示された、と報告している。
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The taste aversion procedure was used to examine the effect of exposure to a high magnetic field.
Conditioned taste aversion is a classic conditioning procedure used to identify noxious stimuli. When a rat is given a taste solution (the conditioned stimulus) followed by an unpleasant experience (the unconditioned stimulus), the rat will avoid consumption of the conditioned stimulus in future presentations.
A solution consisting of glucose and saccharin was used as the conditioned stimulus and a 9.4-T magnet served as the unconditioned stimulus. In Experiment 1, all animals received a 10 min presentation of the glucose + saccharin solution followed by either a 30 min exposure to the magnetic field. Experiment 2 employed the same unconditioned stimulus-conditioned stimulus protocol for 3 consecutive days of conditioning.
周波数 |
タイプ |
偏波 |
ばく露時間 | 30 min |
Additional information | Experiment 1. Vertically oriented magnetic field. |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
チャンバの詳細 | plexiglass tube (5cm diameter) to restrain rats |
ばく露装置の詳細 | The plexiglass tube containing the rat was inserted into the magnet |
Additional information | The tube had a cone shape in which the head of the animal was inserted. The core had a 1 mm hole for breathing purpose. A plug which accommodated the tail was inserted into the bottom of the tube to restrain movement. The control rats remained in their home cages |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
磁束密度 | 9.4 T | unspecified | 指定なし | - | - |
周波数 |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | 30 min/day for 3 consecutive days |
Additional information | Experiment 2 |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
磁束密度 | 9.4 T | unspecified | 指定なし | - | - |
In the first experiment the exposed magnet group showed a taste aversion on the first day of preference testing.
In the second experiment the magnet group showed a taste aversion for the post-exposure days 1-8. There was no difference between the sham exposure and control groups in either experiment.
The data clearly revealed that the animals associated the glucose + saccharin solution with the experience of being exposed to the high magnetic field and avoided the solution in subsequent presentations.