この研究は、マウスに、さまざまなばく露期間(1〜17日間)にわたり、電力密度5〜15mW / cm 2で2,450MHz電磁界ばく露を与え、その影響を調べた。その結果、ばく露群で、脾臓リンパ球のマイトジェン応答に二相性の調節が観察された;この調節現象は以下の2つを根拠として説明できるかもしれない、(1) マイクロ波による活性化マクロファージへのリンパ球応答の抑制(これは、ばく露全期間を通して持続する)、(2) リンパ球の同時進行的な直接刺激(これは、ばく露9日目前後で最高点に達する);5または9日間のばく露を受けたマウスから採取されたキラーリンパ球の腫瘍細胞毒性は、擬似ばく露群のものと異ならなかった;高い増殖性の造血性骨髄細胞は、マイクロ波放射に敏感であった;9日間ばく露(15mW / cm2)は、骨髄系および赤血球系のコロニー形成単位を50%に低下させた、と報告している。
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1) Studies of lymphocytes, and of macrophages in response to different power levels of radiation at 2450 MHz for different durations of exposure in mice, and 2) studies on hematopoietic cells at a power density of 15 mW/cm² are reported.
周波数 | 2,450 MHz |
タイプ |
特性 |
ばく露時間 | repeated daily exposure, 30 min/day, for up to 17 days |
Modulation type | CW |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | The mice were placed unrestrained in individual ventilated polyethylene containers (6 x 6 x 6 cm), four of which were placed in a diamond pattern in the exposure chamber. |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Additional information | Age-matched control animals were treated simultaneously in the same manner in a sham exposure chamber. |
A sustained activation of tissue macrophages resulting in suppression of lymphocyte responsiveness and a gradual but temporary stimulation directed to the lymphocytes. Macrophage activation may have caused the early depression of the lymphocyte responsiveness. The study of the other lymphocyte function (i.e. killing of tumor cells) did not show any obvious influence. The radiation affects hematopoietic colony-forming abilities (growth of both erythroid and myeloid cells are altered).