9th International Symposium on EMC Joint with 20th International Wroclaw Symposium on EMC, EMC Europe 2010, Wroclaw, Poland. IEEE: pp. 463-466; ISBN 978-83-7493-426-8
9th International Symposium on EMC Joint with 20th International Wroclaw Symposium on EMC, EMC Europe 2010, Wroclaw, Poland. IEEE: pp. 711-713; ISBN 978-83-7493-426-8
9th International Symposium on EMC Joint with 20th International Wroclaw Symposium on EMC, EMC Europe 2010, Wroclaw, Poland. IEEE: pp. 67-72; ISBN 978-83-7493-426-8
Aziz A, El-Khozondar HJ, Shabat M, Elwasife K, Mohamed-Osman A
Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS),
Ressortforschungsberichte zur kerntechnischen Sicherheit und zum Strahlenschutz, BfS-RESFOR-33/10: 1-138