"Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers", IEEE, 米国電気電子学会
Proc IEEE 60 (6): 692-718
Kritikos HN, Schwan HP
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 19 (1): 53-58
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 19 (4): 304-312
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 19 (2): 251-253
Kaplan IT, Metlay W, Zaret MM, Birenbaum L, Rosenthal SW
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 19 (2): 168-173
Schuder JC, Gold JH, Stephenson Jr HE
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng BME-18 (4): 265 - 273
1971 IEEE International Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium Record, Philadelphia, PA, USA. IEEE: pp. 155-161; ISBN 978-1-5090-3157-3
IEEE Transactions on Industry and General Applications 7 (1): 10-16
Samaras GM, Muroff LR, Anderson GE
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 61 (5): 245-247
Wacker PF, Bowman RR
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 19 (2): 178-187
Carpenter RL, Livstone EM
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 19 (2): 173-178
IEEE Trans Microw Theory Tech 19 (2): 205-214
1970 IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium Record, Anaheim, CA, USA. IEEE: pp. 168-172; ISBN 978-1-5090-3156-6
IEEE Spectr 6 (2): 44-50
Birenbaum L, Grosof GM, Rosenthal SW, Zaret MM
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 16 (1): 7-14
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng BME-15 (1): 63-65
IEEE Transactions on Industry and General Applications 4 (5): 467-476
Kouwenhoven WB, Langworthy OR, Singewald ML, Knickerbocker GG
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems PAS-86 (4): 506-511
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IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems PAS-86 (4): 498-505
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IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems 84 (4): 403-411
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IEEE Trans Biomed Eng BME-11 (4): 123-137
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IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems 83 (9): 945-964
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 11: 103-109
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng: 101-109
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AIEE Transactions 62 (12): 745-749