
Epidemiological studies on power frequency fields (50/60 Hz)

  1. 103研究
  2. 85研究
  3. 85研究
  4. 81研究
  5. 65研究
  6. 64研究
  7. 63研究
  8. 62研究
  9. 61研究
  10. 31研究
Authors Year Study type Study group Observation period Study location Endpoints Parameters
Broadbent DE et al. 1985 横断的研究 男性 not stated UK headache, anxiety, obsessional and somatic symptoms, depression, health status: visits to medical doctor, prescribed and unprescribed medicine 電界, 50/60 Hz (AC), 送電線, 変電所, 職業的
McMahan S et al. 1995 サーベイ 女性, 20–80年 1992 USA headache, migraine, poor appetite, difficulty in concentration, getting going, 睡眠障害, worry about power lines 磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC), 送電線, 住宅環境の
Beale IL et al. 2001 横断的研究 男性, 女性 not stated New Zealand health problems 磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC), 送電線, 住宅環境の
Kouwenhoven WB et al. 1967 - 男性, 30–47年 1962 - 1966 USA health status 電界, 50/60 Hz (AC), 送電線, 職業的
Singewald ML et al. 1973 - 男性, 30–56年 1962 - 1972 USA health status 電界, 50/60 Hz (AC), 送電線, 職業的
Souques M et al. 2021 コホート研究 男性, 女性 1995 - 2021 France health status (long-term illnesses), 神経変性疾患, 全がん, 心臓血管系疾患, 死亡率 磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC), 低周波電磁界, 送電線, 変電所, 職業的
Knave B et al. 1979 症例対照研究 男性 1974 - 1976 Sweden health status: examination of the nervous system (neurasthenic symptoms, psychological tests, EEG), the cardiovascular system (symptoms, blood pressure, ECG), and the blood (hemoglobin, red blood cells, reticulocytes, white blood cells, thrombocytes, sedimentation rate). 電界, 50/60 Hz (AC), 変電所, 職業的
Biering K et al. 2021 - 男性, 女性 - - immediate consequences of electrical shock (e.g., skin marks, unconsciousmess, memory loss) (接触)電流, DC, 50/60 Hz (AC), 電撃傷/感電死, 職業的, high voltage, low voltage
Khosravipour M et al. 2023 - 男性 - - levels of the liver enzymes aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase 磁界, 低周波電磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC), 職業的, 共ばく露, 非EMF
Olin R et al. 1985 コホート研究 男性 1930 - 1979 Sweden malignant melanoma, 死亡率 磁界, 50/60 Hz (AC), 送電線, 職業的