この研究は、マイクロ波照射がラットの行動に与える影響を、環境温度の影響も考慮に入れて検討した。64匹の成獣のオスのLong-Evansラットに、1分間の変動間隔強化スケジュールで、食物ペレット獲得のために食物カップに頭を突っ込む訓練を行った。その後、8通りのばく露条件(22 °C下で8または14 mW/cm2、26 °C下で0、8または14 mW/cm2、30 °C下で0、8または14 mW/cm2:全ての条件で相対湿度は50 %)に4匹ずつからなる2群(ばく露群と対照群(22 °Cで0 mW/cm2)が割り当てられた。各条件のばく露群は15.5時間、2450 MHz CWばく露を受けた。ばく露後の各ばく露群の反応率を、それぞれの対照群と比較した。その結果、8mW / cm 2ばく露の場合、22 ℃で13.8 %、26 ℃で27.5 %、30 ℃で77.5 %、対照より反応率が低下した;14 mW/cm2ばく露の場合、22 ℃で21.1 %、26 ℃で43.7 %、30 ℃で80.0 %、対照より反応率が低下した;マイクロ波が存在しない場合、より高い温度でも反応率はわずかに低下するだけであった、と報告している。
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To quantify the interactive effects of microwave power density and temperature on behavioral changes of rats.
Groups of rats were exposed to 2450 MHz continuous wave (CW) microwaves for 15.5 hours under different combinations of power density and air temperature (0, 8, or 14 mW/cm² at 22°C, 26°C, or 30°C).
rats were exposed following this three schedules: i) 8 or 14 mW/cm² at 22° C ii) 0, 8 or 14 mW/cm² at 26° C iii) 0, 8 or 14 mW/cm² at 30° C
周波数 | 2.45 GHz |
タイプ |
波形 |
特性 |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 15.5 h |
Modulation type | CW |
The data show that intensity of microwave exposure and ambient temperature interact to increase decrements in rates of behavioral responding measured at the termination of exposure. Microwave exposure reduced rates of responding in direct proportion to the power density at each ambient temperature.
After irradiation at 8 mW/cm² response rate were decreased by a mean of 13.8% at 22°C, 27.5% at 26°C, and 77.5% at 30°C. After irradiation at 14 mW/cm², rates were decreased by a mean of 21.1% at 22°C, 43.7% at 26°C, and 80.0% at 30°C.
In the absence of microwaves the higher temperatures caused only slight decreases in response rate.
Increases of body temperature and losses of body mass, although slight and within physiologically normal limits, were revealed along with the behavioral alterations after combined exposure to higher levels of temperature and microwave irradiation.