[Traini他「高周波電磁界ばく露を原因と考える体調不良および電磁過敏症の予測因子についてのオランダの成人の前向きコホートにおける10年超にわたる時間経」にスポットライトを当てる] comment

Spotlight on "Time course of health complaints attributed to RF-EMF exposure and predictors of electromagnetic hypersensitivity over 10 years in a prospective cohort of Dutch adults" by Traini et al. in Science of the Total Environment (2023)

Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) (ed.)
2023, Spotlight, Jun/2023 no.4: 1-3

Comment from an authority

This comment is not peer-reviewed and was published by a subordinate authority of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (Federal Office for Radiation Protection).


