この研究は、立ち上がり時間が速く、高出力の超広帯域(UWB)電磁界パルスの生物学的影響を報告した先行研究の検証を行った。先行研究(Erwin 1993)は、けいれん薬投与後にUWBパルスばく露を受けたラットにおいて、無ばく露群に比べ有意ではないものの、けいれん発作の潜時遅延傾向が見られたと報告した。この知見を検証するために、SDラットにけいれん薬ペンチレンテトラゾール(PTZ)のED99用量(与えられた動物の99%に作用を引き起こす用量)または生理食塩水をUWBばく露または擬似ばく露の直前に投与し、けいれん発作活動を記録した。ばく露したUWBパルスは、ピーク振幅400 V/ m、1000 ppsで、ばく露時間は2分間であった。その結果、PTZ誘発性の発作活動に対するUWBパルスばく露の影響は観察されなかった、と報告している。
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To study the effect of ultra wideband exposure on pentylenetetrazol-induced convulsions in rats.
In a previous study (Erwin, D.N. and Hurt, W.H. (1993): Biological effects of ultrawide band emissions. Proceedings of Human Health Effects Science Review Panel. Washington DC.: Theater Nuclear Warfare Program. pp 91-95) it was found that rats exposed to ultra wideband after receiving a convulsant drug tended toward longer latency to the onset of convulsion than the no-exposure group. Although the effect was not statistically significant, it stimulated interest in present investigation. Because seizure activity is a depolarizing shift characteristic of a large excitatory postsynaptic potential, one might expect some change in chemically induced seizure activity if ultra wideband exposure indeed alters biological membranes.
To test this hypothesis, an ED99 dose (the dose at which 99% of the animals exhibit the target response) of the convulsant pentylenetetrazol or a saline solution was given just before ultra wideband or sham exposure. Resultant seizure activity was recorded.
タイプ |
波形 |
ばく露時間 | 2 min |
Additional information | Reference article: Bao et al. 1995 |
Modulation type | pulsed |
Pulse width | 1.92 ns |
Rise time | 176 s |
Repetition frequency | 1,000 Hz |
The results show no effect of ultra wideband exposure on pentylenetetrazol-induced seizure activity, at least for the exposure parameters used here.