この研究は、成獣Long-Evansラットに、平均電力密度5 mW / cm 2の2450 MHzマイクロ波連続波のばく露を16週間継続した。ラットをプレキシグラス製ケージで保持し、モノポール放射チャンバー内で、1日8時間、週5日、合計640時間のばく露を実施した。SARは1.23(±0.25 SEM)mW / gであった。その結果、毎日測定された体重および食餌・水の摂取量にマイクロ波照射による有意な影響は見られなかった;2週間に1度、その日のばく露直後に行われた重心動揺検査では、擬似ばく露群(n = 15)に比べ、ばく露群(n = 15)で活動性の有意な低下が見られた;ばく露とばく露の間の12時間に測定されたランニングホイール回転に基づく自発運動量には両群で有意な差異はなかった;2、6、10、および14週間のばく露後に採取された血液には、スルフヒドリル基ならびに赤血球数・白血球の数にわずかな変化が見られた;1、5、9、および12週間のばく露後に採取された尿中の17-ケトステロイドのレベル、ならび16週間のばく露終了時の副腎、心臓、肝臓の質量に、ストレスの徴候はなかった、と報告している。
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To study physiological and behavioral effects of chronic exposure to 2450 MHz microwaves on rats.
周波数 | 2.45 GHz |
タイプ |
特性 |
ばく露時間 | repeated daily exposure, 8h/day, 5days/week for a total of 640 h |
Modulation type | CW |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
チャンバの詳細 | Anechoic chamber 3.5 x 3.5 x 2.75 m divided into identical halves by two partitions covered with 0.32 cm thick aluminum sheet. These partitions served as ground planes for the two halves of the exposure chamber on which two monopole antennas were mounted. Other interior surfaces of the chamber were lined with pyramidal shaped Eccosorb absorber. Styrofoam supports, located 90 cm from the antenna, were mounted on the aluminum ground plane which held the plastic rat holding cages. Sham chamber had identical dimensions but was insulated with 2.5 cm thick Styrofoam sheet. |
Additional information | The electric field was parallel to the long axis of the holding cage and of the rat. |
Daily measures of body mass and of food and water intakes indicated no statistically significant effects of microwave exposure. Biweekly stabilimetric tests immediately after irradiation revealed a significant depression of behavioral activity by exposed animals as compared with sham-exposed animals.
Measures of locomotor activity based on revolutions of a running wheel, which were obtained during 12-h periods between each 8-h irradiation, showed no significant effect of exposure.
Blood sampled after 2, 6, 10, and 14 weeks of irradiation indicated slight alterations of sulfhydryl groups, and of red and white blood cell counts. Measures of levels of 17-ketosteroids in urine at weeks 1, 5, 9, and 12 of irradiation, and mass of adrenals, heart, and liver at the end of the sixteen-week period of exposure, showed no indications of stress.