この研究は、ラット小脳上清でのサイクリックGMPの生成に対するバースト波RF電磁界の影響を調べた。電磁界は、周波数10MHz、バースト時間割合50 %、バースト繰り返し周波数10 kHz、発生器のピーク-to-ピーク電圧 5 Vであった。小脳上清を、 L-アルギニン(一酸化窒素供与体)およびNADPHを添加してインキュベートし、バースト波RF電磁界ばく露を与えた場合、サイクリックGMP産生(組織重量[g]・分あたりで表す。以下同じ)は、21-22 nmolから25-26 nmol に上昇した。一方、volley-typeのRF電磁界ばく露を与えた場合には,このような影響は見られなかった;小脳上清にL-アルギニンもNADPHも添加しない場合、サイクリックGMPの産生は 6 nmolレベルに低下し、電磁界の影響は見られなかった;小脳上清をEDTAでキレート化した場合、サイクリックGMPの産生は7 nmol レベルに低下し、電磁界の影響は見られなかった;グアニル酸シクラーゼ阻害剤であるメチレンブルーを添加してインキュベートした場合、10-12nmol レベルまで低下し、電磁界の影響は見られなかった; NO合成阻害剤(2種類で実験)を添加してインキュベートした場合、どちらの阻害剤でも10-12nmol または5-9nmol min-1まで低下し、電磁界の影響は見られなかった;電気化学的NOプローブを用いて、小脳上清中のNOの産生を測定したところ、電磁界ばく露開始後、NOの濃度は徐々に増加し、その影響は持続し、ばく露停止後に最大に達した;カエル水かきの細動脈を用いたインビボ研究においても、電磁界ばく露によって血管拡張が起こり、その影響はNO合成阻害剤の添加によってほぼ完全に消滅した、などを報告している。
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The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine whether radiofrequency burst-type electromagnetic fields may facilitate NO synthesis, activate guanylate cyclase and increase the production of cyclic GMP.
Rat cerebellum supernatant was used. Recently, it has been established, that guanylate cyclase is activated by a catalytic action of NO synthase (NO synthase is prominently localized in the cerebellum tissues).
In an in vivo study (using the arterioles of the frog web) the relation of NO synthesis with the vasodilatory effect was studied.
周波数 | 10 MHz |
タイプ |
波形 |
ばく露時間 | 15 min and 30 min |
Modulation type | pulsed |
Duty cycle | 50 % |
Repetition frequency | 10 kHz |
ばく露の発生源/構造 | |
Distance between exposed object and exposure source | 0.0075 m |
ばく露装置の詳細 | circular coil with inner diamter of 13 mm, outer diameter of 18 mm and 10 turns; test tube in the center of the coil |
周波数 | 10 MHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | 15 min and 30 min |
Additional information | volley-typed field |
Modulation type | pulsed |
Duty cycle | 100 % |
Additional information |
volley-typed field |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Distance between exposed object and exposure source | 0.0075 m |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
参照 | - | - | - | - | U = 5 V peak-to-peak |
When the supernatant was incubated with both exogenous L-arginine (NO donor) and NADPH, and irradiated by an radiofrequency burst-type electromagnetic field, the production of cyclic GMP was increased significantly. By contrast, such an effect was not found when the cerebellum supernatant was irradiated by an radiofrequency field volley-type electromagnetic field.
When neither L-arginine nor NADPH were added to the supernatant, the production of cyclic GMP was lowered and the exposure effect was not found.
Incubation with Methylene Blue, a guanylate cyclase inhibitor, lowered the production of cyclic GMP and the exposure effect did not occur. On incubation with a NO synthase inhibitor, the production of cyclic GMP was lowered and the irradiation effect was not observed.
Using electrochemical NO probes, the production of NO in the supernatant was detected. The concentration of NO increased after the onset of the electromagnetic field exposure. The irradiation effect persisted, and reached a maximum after the cessation of the exposure.
The arterioles of the frog web were dilated by the exposure, and this effect was almost completely abolished by the addition of a NO synthase inhibitor. This indicates that exposure activates NO synthase and induces vasodilatation.