研究のタイプ: 疫学研究 (observational study)

[思春期層でのスマートホンばく露と眼の健康との関連] epidem.

Association between Exposure to Smartphones and Ocular Health in Adolescents

掲載誌: Ophthalmic Epidemiol 2016; 23 (4): 269-276

この研究は、従来の携帯電話に比べて画面の凝視時間が長いと思われるスマートホンの眼への影響を検討するために、韓国の3都市の思春期層(n=715)を対象にスマートホン使用状況および眼症状(ぼやけ、赤み、視覚障害、分泌、炎症、流涙、ドライアイ)の自己申告スコアについて構造化質問票調査した。その結果、スマートホンへの高度ばく露群で眼症状有病率有意な上昇が見られた;長時間使用群は数多くの眼症状を持つ傾向と有意に関連した;短時間使用群(一日の使用時間≤2時間)と比較した過剰/断続的使用群(一日の使用時間>2時間、かつ連続使用時間≤2時間)および過剰/持続的使用群(一日の使用時間>2時間、かつ連続使用時間>2時間)の複数眼症状オッズ比はそれぞれ、OR= 2.18(95% CI 1.09-4.39)、OR=2.26(同1.11-4.57)であった、などを報告している。

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A cross-sectional study was conducted in Korea to investigate the association between smartphone use and ocular symptoms in adolescents.


リスク推定のタイプ: (オッズ比(OR))




グループ 説明
参照集団 1 daily smartphone use: < 2 hours/day (short)
集団 2 daily smartphone use: > 2 hours/day (intermediate)
集団 3 daily smartphone use: > 2 hours/day and continuous use ≤.2 hours/occasion (excessive/intermittent)
集団 4 daily smartphone use: > 2 hours/day and continuous use > 2 hours/occasion (excessive/persistent)
参照集団 5 lifetime smartphone use: ≤ 3 lifetime hours (low)
集団 6 lifetime smartphone use: 4 - 8 lifetime hours (intermediate)
集団 7 lifetime smartphone use: 9 - 12 lifetime hours (high)
集団 8 lifetime smartphone use: > 12 lifetime hours (extreme)



合計 734
評価可能 715
統計学的分析方法: (調整: )


Higher prevalence rates for ocular symptoms were observed in adolescents with greater exposure to smartphones. Longer daily smartphone use was associated with a higher likelihood of having multiple ocular symptoms (5-7 symptoms out of 7 symptoms). Excessive/intermittent use (group 3) and excessive/persistent use (group 4) compared to shorter use (group 1) were associated with multiple ocular symptoms (OR 2.18, CI 1.09-4.39; OR 2.26, CI 1.11-4.57, respectively). A higher lifetime exposure to smartphones (group 8) was associated with a higher likelihood of having multiple ocular symptoms (OR 3.05, CI 1.51-6.19).
The authors conclude that longer exposure to smartphones can have a negative impact on ocular health in adolescents.

