この研究は、ショウジョウバエ(Drosophila melanogaster)の変異原性の変化に対するマイクロ波(2375MHz、CW)の反復ばく露の影響を調べた。:Oregon-R系統のオスに、5日間、亜致死性の用量のマイクロ波(60分間の15W / cm 2、10分間の20W / cm 2、5分間の25W / cm 2)ばく露を与え、次に、Muller-5系統と交配させて、伴性劣性致死突然変異の出現を検査した。その結果、ばく露群では4匹の致死例が見られたが、その頻度は対照群のそれと有意に異ならなかった;ばく露群での死亡率に、反復ばく露の累積効果は観察されず、反対に、死亡率はばく露回数とともに減少した;ばく露はF1の性比に影響しなかった;15W / cm 2ばく露群で、F1子孫数の有意な減少が認められた、と報告している。
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To determine the effects of repeated exposures to microwaves on the frequency of lethal mutations in Drosophila melanogaster. The fertility of irradiated individuals and the sex ratio of their offspring were also investigated.
Four lethals were found in treated groups but their frequency was not significantly different from that of the controls. No cumulative effect of repeated exposures on the mortality of the exposed males was observed. On the contrary, their mortality decreased with the number of exposures. Exposition did not affect the sex ratio of the F1. A significant decrease in the number of F1 progeny was noted in the group exposed to the power density of 15 W/cm². A negative thermal effect of microwaves on male germ cells was probably manifested by this long exposure.