この研究は、ボランティアによる誘発実験を行い、Wi-Fi電磁界(EMF)ばく露が、事象関連電位(ERP)のP300成分に与える影響を、特に性別に焦点を当てて分析した。ERPのP300成分は、脳の注意と作業記憶(WM)の指標となると考えられている。被験者は、年齢と教育レベルを一致させた15人の男性と15人の女性であった。各被験者は、2週間の間をおいて2回の聴覚式文章完成タスクをそれぞれEMF存在下および非存在下(順序はランダム)で遂行し、その間にERP検査(頭皮電極30個で測定)が行われた。タスクは、次の3つの条件で構成された:1)応答開始条件:最後の単語が欠けた聴覚提示文に応答して、文脈から暗示されている単語を回答する、2)応答阻害条件:最後の単語が欠けた聴覚提示文に応答して、文脈では意味をなさない単語を回答する、 3)ベースライン条件:提示された文の最後の単語を繰り返す。その結果、18個の電極で測定されたP300振幅値は、応答開始条件およびベースライン条件に比べ、応答阻害条件で有意に低かった;上記の効果とは独立に、応答阻害条件において、性別 × EMFばく露の有意な交互作用が見られた;それは、EMF存在下においてのみ、女性に比べて男性のP300振幅が減少することが15個の電極測定値で見られたためである、と報告している。
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To study whether the presence of WiFi signals affects the patterns of P300 event-related potential component elicited during a linguistic test.
15 male and 15 female subjects, matched for age and education level, participated and they performed the tasks twice (with and without exposure) with an interval of two weeks between the measurements (random order).
The test consisted of three different conditions: 1) response initiation: participants completed auditory presented sentences with a word clearly suggested by the context, 2) response inhibition: participants produced a word that made no sense in the context of an auditory-presented sentence from which the last word was missing, 3) baseline condition: subjects were asked to repeat the last word of the presented sentence.
周波数 | 2.45 GHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | not specified in the article |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Distance between exposed object and exposure source | 1.5 m |
チャンバの詳細 | Faraday room |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
P300 event-related potential amplitudes at 18 EEG electrodes were significantly lower in the "response inhibition" condition (second condition) than in the "response initiation" and "baseline" conditions. Within the "response inhibition" condition there was also a significant gender-exposure correlation effect manifested at 15 leads by decreased P300 event-related potential amplitudes of males and by increased amplitudes of females under exposure to of electromagnetic fields.
In conclusion, the data suggest that WiFi exposure may induce gender-related alterations in neural activity associated with the amount of attentional resources (P300 amplitude is thought to be sensitive to the amount of attentional resources engaged during the execution of a cognitive task).