この研究は、マウスを用いて、ミリ波処置(MMWT)による疼痛緩和効果について実験的に調べた。マウスの鼻の領域に与えたMMWTのばく露パラメータは、周波数はミリ波治療に用いられる42.25、53.57、および61.22 GHz、入射電力密度は13.3 mW/cm2、ばく露時間は15分であった。疼痛緩和の評価は、(1)冷水テールフリックテスト(慢性非神経因性疼痛モデル)、(2)ワイヤー表面テスト(坐骨神経の結紮により作成された慢性神経因性疼痛モデル)で行われた。その結果、MMWTによる疼痛緩和効果は周波数依存性が示され、61.22 GHzで最大の疼痛緩和効果が得られた;デルタおよびカッパオピオイド受容体の選択的ブロッカー、およびCNS組織における内因性オピオイドの直接ELISA計測を用いて、MMWTによる疼痛緩和を実験的に証明した、と報告している。
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This in vivo study was conducted to 1.) determine whether millimeter wave treatment induced hypoalgesia depends on the frequency of the millimeter wave and 2.) to define what types of opioid receptors are predominantly involved in the development of millimeter wave treatment induced hypoalgesia.
Male mice (18-20 g) were examined in two experimental models: 1.) the cold water tail-flick test (experimental model of chronic non-neuropathic pain), and 2.) the chronic constriction injury test (experimental model of chronic neuropathic pain following unilateral injury to the sciatic nerve).
Selective opioid receptor blockers (μ, δ, and κ receptor blockers) were used to define the types of opioid receptors which are involved in the development of the millimeter wave treatment induced hypoalgesia.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
42.25–61.22 GHz
continuous for 15 min
周波数 | 42.25–61.22 GHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 15 min |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Distance between exposed object and exposure source | 1 mm |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
電力密度 | 13.3 mW/cm² | - | - | - | - |
The millimeter wave treatment statistically significantly decreased frequency dependent the level of both cold water induced pain and chronic neuropathic pain in mice. This effect was most pronounced when the frequency of 61.22 GHz was used.
The response to millimeter wave treatment was significantly decreased in mice which were pretreated with selective μ and δ receptor blockers. The concentration of the endogenous opioid enkephalin was significantly higher in midbrain and hypothalamus area.
These results indicate that the system of endogenous opioids seems to play an important role in the systemic effects of the millimeter wave treatment.