Fontanesi G, Dal Monte A, Cadossi R, Ciancecchi F, Lorenzelli R, Virgilli B, Traina GC, Rotini R, Rinaldi E, Poli G, Tatraglia I, Marenghi P, Mammi GI
van Rens TJG (ed.): Electric and Electromagnetic Stimulation of Bone Growth. Reconstruction Surgery and Traumatology, 19巻; Karger, Basel; pp. 123-132; ISBN 978-3-8055-3939-5
van Rens TJG (ed.): Electric and Electromagnetic Stimulation of Bone Growth. Reconstruction Surgery and Traumatology, 19巻; Karger, Basel; pp. 19-31; ISBN 978-3-8055-3939-5