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2019 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES), Miami, FL, USA. IEEE: pp. 1-2; ISBN 978-1-7281-1518-4
Klos-Witkowska A, Martsenyuk V, Karpinski M, Obeidat I
2019 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences (ASET), Dubai, United Arab Emirates. IEEE: pp. 1-5; ISBN 978-1-5386-8272-2
Salas-Sánchez AA, López-Furelos A, Rodríguez-Gonzalez JA, Ares-Pena FJ, López-Martín ME
IEEE Access 7: 79186 - 79198
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2019 8th International Conference on Modern Power Systems (MPS), Cluj Napoca, Romania. IEEE: pp. 1-4; ISBN 978-1-7281-0751-6
Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research 781: 53-62
Rathebe PC, Mbonane TP
2018 IEEE 4th Global Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference (GEMCCON), Stellenbosch, South Africa. IEEE: pp. 1-3; ISBN 978-1-5386-5729-4
Mohammad M, Pries J, Onar O, Galigekere VP, Su GJ, Anwar S, Wilkins J, Kavimandan UD, Patil D
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Wang Q, Zhang Q, Fang X, Ramzan M, Plettemeier D
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Mohamed AAS, Meintz A, Schrafel P, Calabro A
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